- Setup the environment variables in the
cp .env.example .env
- Run the indexer
cargo run --bin indexer
The following environment variables need to be configured in the .env
: Boolean flag to enable/disable file logging (default: true)
: PostgreSQL connection string (format: postgres://user:password@host:port/dbname)
: Aave lending pool contract addressPOOL_DATA_PROVIDER
: Aave pool data provider contract addressPRICE_ORACLE
: Aave price oracle contract addressSTART_BLOCK
: Starting block number for indexingLOG_PER_REQUEST
: Number of blocks to fetch logs per RPC request (1-MAX_ALLOWED)MAX_BLOCK_OUT_OF_SYNC
: Maximum block difference before triggering reindex
: Maximum cap value for health factor (default: 1000)AT_RISK_HEALTH_FACTOR
: Threshold for at-risk users (1.0 ≤ health factor ≤ value)
: Update frequency for liquidatable users (in seconds, default: 30)AT_RISK_USERS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY
: Update frequency for at-risk users (in seconds, default: 120)HEALTHY_USERS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY
: Update frequency for healthy users (in seconds, default: 3600)
The main loop consists of two primary services running concurrently:
Users Indexer Service
- Updates only the users from borrow events from the Aave pool contract
- Continuously monitors blockchain events
- Indexes new user positions
- Updates user states based on health factor
- Maintains synchronization with the latest block
Users Updater Service
- Periodically updates user positions based on configured frequencies
- Updates liquidatable users every 30 seconds
- Updates at-risk users every 2 minutes
- Updates healthy users every 1 hour
- Recalculates health factors and updates user categories
The services are managed using Tokio's async runtime with error handling and graceful shutdown:
tokio::select! {
result = async {
match try_join!(users_indexer, users_updater_service) {
Ok((users_indexer_result, users_updater_service_result)) => {
// Handle service results and errors
Err(e) => {
// Handle panic scenarios
LiquidatableAccounts {
id integer PK
user_address varchar(255) UK
last_updated_block_number integer
health_factor decimal
total_collateral_value_in_usd decimal
total_debt_value_in_usd decimal
leading_collateral_reserve varchar(255)
leading_debt_reserve varchar(255)
leading_collateral_reserve_value decimal
leading_debt_reserve_value decimal
timestamp timestamptz
AtRiskAccounts {
id integer PK
user_address varchar(255) UK
last_updated_block_number integer
health_factor decimal
total_collateral_value_in_usd decimal
total_debt_value_in_usd decimal
leading_collateral_reserve varchar(255)
leading_debt_reserve varchar(255)
leading_collateral_reserve_value decimal
leading_debt_reserve_value decimal
timestamp timestamptz
HealthyAccounts {
id integer PK
user_address varchar(255) UK
last_updated_block_number integer
health_factor decimal
total_collateral_value_in_usd decimal
total_debt_value_in_usd decimal
leading_collateral_reserve varchar(255)
leading_debt_reserve varchar(255)
leading_collateral_reserve_value decimal
leading_debt_reserve_value decimal
timestamp timestamptz
UserDebtCollateral {
id integer PK
user_address varchar(255)
reserve_address varchar(255)
amount decimal
is_collateral boolean
timestamp timestamptz
LastIndexBlock {
id integer PK
block_number integer
timestamp timestamptz
The database schema consists of five main tables:
LiquidatableAccounts: Stores users with health factor < 1.0
- Unique constraint on user_address
- Tracks health factor, collateral, and debt values
- Monitors leading positions and their values
AtRiskAccounts: Stores users with 1.0 ≤ health factor ≤ AT_RISK_HEALTH_FACTOR
- Identical structure to LiquidatableAccounts
- Used for monitoring potentially risky positions
HealthyAccounts: Stores users with health factor > AT_RISK_HEALTH_FACTOR
- Identical structure to other account tables
- Updated less frequently due to lower risk
UserDebtCollateral: Tracks all user positions
- Records reserve address and position amount
- Boolean flag to distinguish between collateral and debt
- Composite unique index on (user_address, reserve_address, is_collateral) to ensure each user's position is unique
LastIndexBlock: Tracks indexing progress
- Records the last processed block number
- Used for maintaining sync