a text-ellipsis plugin both with Vue.
The situation when you need text ellipsis more then one line and the browser doesn't support the css style -webkit-line-clamp
npm install --save-dev vue-text-ellipsis
If you are using without Vue, use the package with dom-based situation.dom-text-ellipsis instead.
import vue-text-ellipsis from 'vue-text-ellipsis';
vue.use(vue-text-ellipsis, {
width: '50px',
lineNum: 2,
fontFamily: 'microsoft yahei',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontSize: '14px',
left: '...',
tagName: 'p',
isImmediate: true,
add the vue element in your .vue
ellipsis(text="这是一句很长的话,真的很长很长很长,到底有多长呢,你来猜猜看" :line-num="2" tagName="p" :fontWeight="100" fontSize="16px" :left="left" :isImmediate="false")
You can add config when vue.use
to set global-config or use the props on vue elempent.
Props | Type | Default | Effect |
width | String | The parentsElement's offsetWidth. | The max width for one line. |
lineNum | Number | 2 (from global config) | The max line. |
fontFamily | String | microsoft yahei (from global config) | The fontFamily to calculate the width. |
fontSize | String| Number | 14px (from global config) | The fontSize to calculate the width. |
tagName | String | p (from global config) | The tag to show the text.(**only span p li **) |
left | String | '…' (from global config) | The String add on the end of the last line. |
isImmediate | Boolean | true (from global config) | Update the text when the width change immediate or not(like debounce). |
Methods | Args | Effect |
update | Recalculate and update the text. |