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Database Structure

老虎会游泳 edited this page May 28, 2021 · 5 revisions

Codex Database Structure

Bitmask values

(copied from Questie wiki and edited)

ClassicCodex stores some information as binary values for some (unknown/historical) reason. The following tables translate the values which you can find in the database.lua for example. Combinations of those bitmasks are calcualted via a disjunction (you can use this JSFiddle for testing combinations).


Race Value Comment
Human 1
Orc 2
Dwarf 4
Nightelf 8
Undead 16
Tauren 32
Gnome 64
Troll 128
BloodElf 512
Draenei 1024
Alliance 1101 =1+4+8+64+1024
Horde 690 =2+16+32+128+512
All 1791 =1+2+4+...+1024


Class Value
Warrior 1
Paladin 2
Hunter 4
Rogue 8
Priest 16
Shaman 64
Mage 128
Warlock 256
Druid 1024

Database Structure by Files


  [questId] = {
    ["start"] = { -- to get the quest
      ["O"] = {objectId, ...},
      ["U"] = {unitId, ...},
    ["end"] = { -- to turnin the quest
      ["O"] = {objectId, ...},
      ["U"] = {unitId, ...},
    ["obj"] = { -- the quest target
      ["I"] = {itemId, ...},
      ["O"] = {objectId, ...},
      ["U"] = {unitId, ...},

    -- pre/next quest ids
    -- Need to complete one of these quests to pick up the quest
    ["pre"] = preQuestId or {preQuestId1, preQuestId2, ...},
    -- Need to complete all these quests to pick up the quest
    ["preg"] = {preQuestId1, preQuestId2, ...},
    -- if this quest is active/finished, the current quest is not available anymore
    ["next"] = nextQuestId,

    -- Quest ids that are mutually exclusive with the quest.
    -- Once you have completed one of these quests, you will not be able to
    -- pick up the quest.
    ["excl"] = {exclusiveQuestId, ...},

    -- The level of the quest required
    ["lvl"] = questLevel,
    ["min"] = questMinLevel,

    -- Conditions for taking the quest
    ["class"] = playerClassMask,
    ["race"] = playerRaceMask,
    ["skill"] = requiredSkillId or {["id"]=requiredSkillId, ["min"]=minSkillValue},
    ["repu"] = {["id"]=requiredReputationFactionId, ["min"]=minReputationValue},

    -- Hide the quest because it can't be picked up at the current stage
    ["hide"] = true,

Each field may not exist. For example, hide may not exist to indicate that the quest should not be hidden.

Variate Value Type
xxxId int
xxxLevel int
xxxValue int
xxxMask int, bitmask values


  [unitId] = {
        [1] = {x, y, zone, respawn},
        [2] = {...},
    ["fac"]="AH", -- optional, "A", "H" or "AH"
    ["lvl"]="24-25", -- example: "25" or "24-26"
Variate Value Type
xxxId int
x float
y float
zone int
respawn int, seconds