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description of the seaspraysoucefunction functions
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Sebastian committed May 14, 2020
1 parent 66adce6 commit bfe4f73
Showing 1 changed file with 141 additions and 11 deletions.
152 changes: 141 additions & 11 deletions pyantarctica/
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def r_div_r80(RH, option='Zieger2016_'):
# hygroscopic growth factor
# (below RH=75% this is valid only for decreasing RH)!
# But the difference should be really small
Function to calculate the hygroscopic growth factor as function of RH (negrelcting the Kelvin effect)
(below RH=75% this is valid only for decreasing RH)
:param RH: relative humidity [%]
:param option: string to define the literature function to use out of ['Lewis2004', 'Zieger2016_', 'Lewis2006']
:returns: r_div_r80: the hygroscopic growth factor as ratio of r(RH)/r(80)

RH=RH.copy(); RH[RH>99]=99; #
if option == 'Lewis2004':
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,8 +59,16 @@ def r_div_r80(RH, option='Zieger2016_'):
return r_div_r80

def rdry2rRH(Dp, RH, hygroscopic_growth='Zieger2016_'):
# convert try diameter/radius to expected diameter/radius at RH[%]
# rRH/rDry = (rRH/r80)*(r80/rDry) = (rRH/r80)*2
Function to convert dry diameter/radius to expected diameter/radius at a given RH[%]
rRH/rDry = (rRH/r80)*(r80/rDry) = (rRH/r80)*2
:param Dp: dry aerosol diameter/radius
:param RH: relative humidity [%]
:param hygroscopic_growth: string to define the literature function to use with the function r_div_r80(RH, option), has to be out of ['Lewis2004', 'Zieger2016_', 'Lewis2006']
:returns: DpRH: the diameter/radius expected at the given RH

if type(RH) != np.ndarray:
RH = np.asarray([RH])
RH = RH.reshape(len(RH),1)
Expand All @@ -82,6 +94,17 @@ def rdry2rRH(Dp, RH, hygroscopic_growth='Zieger2016_'):
return DpRH

def rho_sea_spary(Dp_dry, RH, rho_p=2.2, hygroscopic_growth='Zieger2016_'):
Function to calcualte the density of sea spray aerosol at a given RH[%]
:param Dp_dry: dry sea salt aerosol diameter [um]
:param RH: relative humidity [%]
:param rho_p: density of dry sea salt [g cm^-3]
:param hygroscopic_growth: string to define the literature function to use with the function r_div_r80(RH, option), has to be out of ['Lewis2004', 'Zieger2016_', 'Lewis2006']
:returns: rho_ss: the density of sea spray aerosol at the given RH

if type(RH) != np.ndarray:
RH = np.asarray([RH])
RH = RH.reshape(len(RH),1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,7 +135,19 @@ def rho_sea_spary(Dp_dry, RH, rho_p=2.2, hygroscopic_growth='Zieger2016_'):
return rho_ss

def sea_salt_settling_velocity(Dp, rho_p=2.2, RH=80., T=20., P=1013., hygroscopic_growth='Zieger2016_'):

Function to calcualte the settling velocity of sea spray aerosol at a given RH[%]
:param Dp: dry sea salt aerosol diameter [um]
:param rho_p: density of dry sea salt [g cm^-3]
:param RH: relative humidity [%]
:param T: air temperature [C]
:param P: atmospheric pressure [hPa]
:param hygroscopic_growth: string to define the literature function to use with the function r_div_r80(RH, option), has to be out of ['Lewis2004', 'Zieger2016_', 'Lewis2006']
:returns: vs: the settling velocity of sea spray aerosol at the given aerosol diameter and RH

# Required input:
# Dp = aerosol diameter [um] as (n,) numpy.array with n>=1
# rho_p = aerosol density g cm^-3
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,7 +217,22 @@ def sea_salt_settling_velocity(Dp, rho_p=2.2, RH=80., T=20., P=1013., hygroscopi
return vs

def sea_salt_deposition_velocity(Dp_dry, rho_dry=2.017, h_ref=15., U10=10., RH=80., T=20., P=1013., zeta=0., model='giardina_2018', hygroscopic_growth='Zieger2016_'):

Function to calcualte the deposition velocity of sea spray aerosol under ambient conditions (accounts for hygroscopic growth)
:param Dp_dry: dry sea salt aerosol diameter [um]
:param rho_dry: density of dry sea salt [g cm^-3]
:param h_ref: reference height [m]
:param U10: 10-meter neutral wind speed [m/s]
:param RH: relative humidity [%]
:param T: air temperature [C]
:param P: atmospheric pressure [hPa]
:param zeta: atmospheric stability parameter zeta=z/L [Dimensionless]
:param model: string to define the literature functions for the deposition velocity model. has to be out of ['giardina_2018']
:param hygroscopic_growth: string to define the literature function to use with the function r_div_r80(RH, option), has to be out of ['Lewis2004', 'Zieger2016_', 'Lewis2006']
:returns: vd: the growthfactor corrected deposition velocity of sea spray aerosol at the given dry aerosol diameter and atmospheric parameters (RH,U10,...)
#if 1:
# Required input:
# Dp = aerosol diameter [um] as (n,) numpy.array with n>=1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -301,7 +351,20 @@ def sea_salt_deposition_velocity(Dp_dry, rho_dry=2.017, h_ref=15., U10=10., RH=8
return vd

def deposition_velocity(Dp, rho_p=2.2, h_ref=15., U10=10., T=20., P=1013., zeta=0., model='giardina_2018'):

Function to calcualte the deposition velocity of aerosol at a fixed density and diameter
:param Dp: aerosol diameter [um]
:param rho_dry: aerosol density [g cm^-3]
:param h_ref: reference height [m]
:param U10: 10-meter neutral wind speed [m/s]
:param T: air temperature [C]
:param P: atmospheric pressure [hPa]
:param zeta: atmospheric stability parameter zeta=z/L [Dimensionless]
:param model: string to define the literature functions for the deposition velocity model. has to be out of ['giardina_2018']
:returns: vd: the deposition velocity of the aerosol at the given aerosol diameter and atmospheric parameters (U10,...)
#if 1:
# Required input:
# Dp = aerosol diameter [um] as (n,) numpy.array with n>=1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -442,21 +505,49 @@ def deposition_velocity(Dp, rho_p=2.2, h_ref=15., U10=10., T=20., P=1013., zeta=

def dFdlogD_to_dFdD(dFdlogr80,r80):
Function to convert aerosol flux from dF/dlog(r) to dF/dr
:param dFdlogr80: number Flux per logrithmic increment of r80
:param r80: aerosol radius
:returns: dFdr80: the aerosol number flux per radius increment
dFdr80 = dFdlogr80/r80*np.log10(np.exp(1))
return dFdr80

def dFdD_to_dFdlogD(dFdr80,r80):
Function to convert aerosol flux from dF/dr to dF/dlog(r)
:param dFdr80: number Flux per increment of r80
:param r80: aerosol radius
:returns: dFdlogr80: the aerosol number flux per logrithmic increment of r80
dFdlogr80 = dFdr80*r80/np.log10(np.exp(1))
return dFdlogr80

def sssf(sssf_str, r80, U10, SST=[], Re=[]):
Literature parametrisations of the sea spray source flux dF/dr and the total number flux FN at given forcing parameters
:param sssf_str: Keey word for the parametrisation.
:param r80: vector of aerosol radii at 80%RH [um] (n,) numpy.array with n>=2
:param U10: vector of wind speeds [m/s] (m,) numpy.array with m>=1
:param SST: vector of sea surface temperature [Celsius] (m,) numpy.array with m>=1
:param Re: vector of Reynolds number [-] (m,) numpy.array with m>=1
:returns: dFdr80: [#/m^2/s/um] production number flux per size bin as numpy.array (m,n) or (n,) if m=1
:returns: FN: [#/m^2/s] production number flux integrated over range of the r80 provided (r80[0] to r80[-1]) as numpy.array (m,)
# sssf(sssf_str, r80, U10, SST, Re):
# Required input:
# sssf_str = string denoting the sssf parametrisation to be used
# r80 = aerosol diameter [um] at 80%RH (r80=2dry=0.5r_formation, based on L&S 2004) as (n,) numpy.array with n>=2
# r80 = aerosol radius [um] at 80%RH (r80=2dry=0.5r_formation, based on L&S 2004) as (n,) numpy.array with n>=2
# U10 = wind speed [m/s] referenced to 10m, neutral stability as (m,) numpy.array with m>=1
# Optional Inputs (required for some sssf-parametrisations):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -562,11 +653,23 @@ def sssf(sssf_str, r80, U10, SST=[], Re=[]):
return dFdr80, FN

def aps_DlowDhigh_to_range(Dca_l,Dca_h,RESOLUTION=1/32):
Function no longer used?
Dca_l = np.power(10,np.log10(Dca_l)-RESOLUTION/2) # 1/2 logarithmic step down
Dca_h = np.power(10,np.log10(Dca_h)+RESOLUTION/2) # 1/2 logarithmic step up
return np.array([Dca_l, Dca_h])

def aps_D_to_Dphys(Dca, rhop=2.017, chic=1.08):
Function to convert the aerodynamic aerosol diameter to the volumne equivalent diameter (for continous flow regime only!)
:param Dca: aerodynamic diameter [um]
:param rhop: aerosol density [g/cm3]
:param chic: aerodynamic shape factor
:returns: Dve: the aerosol volume equivalent diameter
# converts APS aerodynamic diamter into physical diameter
# assume continous flow regime => cunningham slip factors ~1
# ρ0 = 1g/cm^3
Expand All @@ -580,6 +683,16 @@ def aps_D_to_Dphys(Dca, rhop=2.017, chic=1.08):

def aps_D_to_r80(Dca, rhop=2.017, chic=1.08, gf=2):
Function to convert the dry aerodynamic aerosol diameter to the radius at RH=80% (r80) (for continous flow regime only!)
:param Dca: dry aerodynamic diameter [um]
:param rhop: aerosol density [g/cm3]
:param chic: aerodynamic shape factor
:param gf: hygroscopic growthfactor
:returns: r80: the aerosol radius at RH=80% [um]
# assume continous flow regime => cunningham slip factors ~1
# ρ0 = 1g/cm^3
# ρp = 2.2g/cm^3 (sea salt) -> changed to 2.017 g/cm3 (Ziegler 2017)
Expand All @@ -592,6 +705,17 @@ def aps_D_to_r80(Dca, rhop=2.017, chic=1.08, gf=2):
return r80

def aps_aggregate(APS,AGG_WINDOWS, label_prefix='APS_', LABELS=[]):
Function to integrate aerosol size spectra to aerosol number concentrations over specified size ranges
:param APS: dataframe with column = Aerosol dyameter in [um] and data = dN/dlogDp
:param AGG_WINDOWS: array of lower and upper edge of the aggreagtion windows [um]
:param label_prefix: string ot be added to the output column headers
:param LABELS: option to provide custom labels for the output column headers, otherwise the size ranges are provided
:returns: aps_agg: dataframe of integrated number concentrations
:returns: aps_agg_meta: data frame provding the size ranges
# diameters given is center diameters of the logarithmic intervals, this would make sense cause:
#1/(np.log10(0.523)-np.log10(0.542)) #-> 64
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -663,7 +787,13 @@ def merge_wind_wave_parameters(SST_from='merge_ship_satellite', TA_from='ship',
MERGED_SST = '../data/intermediate/18_precipitation/ace_merged_uw_sat_t_parsed.csv', # new data merged by Alex Haumann

Custom function to aling ACE data at 5 minute resolution (under development)
:params: choice of the data folders and options to chose between datasets
:returns: params = a dataframe of allinged time series at 5min resolution time stamp label on the left
# list of output parameter
#['u10', 'uR_afc', 'vR_afc', 'WSR_afc', 'WDR_afc', 'visibility',
# 'd-to-land', 't-to-land', 'RH', 'TA', 'PA', 'SST', 'deltaT', 'BLH',
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