This project builds an rocker-based image for an RStudio sessions in Renku V2. It uses the rocker/tidyverse Docker base image and makes some modifications necessary for compatibility with Renku sessions.
The image built by this project can be used to get a RenkuV2 session with RStudio as the front end. The image includes many widely-used packages (see package-list), but you may want to customize it further.
Clone this repo and make any changes you want in the Dockerfile.
After doing that, you should build the image and test that the app works. This requires Docker installed on your machine, but it will help you debug problems quickly.
For example, you can build and run with the following commands on Macs with Apple Silicon processors (for other machines, the build command might be different):
docker buildx build -t renku/rstudio-session --platform linux/amd64 .
docker run --rm -ti -p 8787:8787 renku/rstudio-session
If everything worked correctly, you will be able to connect a web browser to
And you should see your app there.