"No Valid Asset Packs" is not a patcher error - it's just the patcher telling you that you don't have a config file that covers that specific NPC.
** For Config Files, see previous release here **
Headpart distribution does not work well for NPCs with custom sculpts.
- Please see the HeadPart Video for more details.
Change Log
- Sorry for the update spam; fixed an issue that I accidentally introduced at the last minute by having the headparts warning pop up every time SynthEBD launches instead of just once.
- Bumped the Eval-Expression NuGet license to be valid through December
- Improved how SynthEBD handles asset deletion when deleting a config file. Note: the new registration system only works on config files installed using SynthEBD or newer. However, even when deleting config files installed on older SynthEBD versions, it should now make better predictions about which assets belong to that config file. As before, it will notify you of exactly which folder it's offering to delete - always be sure to read what it's telling you, and feel free to say no and delete the unneeded files yourself.
- OBody integration can now write its output the original way (using a lightweight script to tell OBody which bodyslide to assign), or by writing the OBody_presetDistributionConfig.json file that OBody uses to natively assign bodyslides. The latter is now the default behavior. Additionally, if using the native json mode, SynthEBD now has an additional option to, rather than picking a single bodyslide, instead assign all valid bodyslides for each NPC (which OBody will then pick from at random). Note that one difference with native mode is that the bodyslides will not apply if you start the game using the coc command from the main menu.
- Bug fix: Restored functionality where, if SynthEBD can't assign a bodyslide while maintaining compliance with texture descriptor rules, it'll try to assign different textures until it finds a valid mutually compatible combination if one exists.
- Improved required/excluded subgroup linker: subgroups can now be de-selected if you don't want to link all of the ones that match your search criteria.
- Misc UI improvements.
- Config file manifests can now specify if certain source files are expected to come from outside of the archive(s) being installed. This can prevent the installer from erroneously flagging such files as "missing".
- Cleaned up UI a bit by hiding troubleshooting options/features unless user toggles them on
- Added button to revert these troubleshooting options to their default values
- Added warning if user's Temp folder path is > 100 characters
- Deleting a subgroup now properly deletes it AND its sub-subgroups from the required/excluded lists of other subgroups
- Config drafter: fixed duplicate texture detector lumping all duplicate textures into the same group
- Config drafter: added a button to show a copiable list of duplicate textures that can be referred to later when polishing the config
- Fixed a small logic error in the Attribute Matcher that could in rare cases cause NPCs who fail an attribute check to still evaluate as passing.
- Fixed subgroup automatic ID generation during config file creation
- Fixed config drafter not automatically adding record templates to config files with male textures
- Eval-Expression license bump
- Very minor fixes to config editor and installer
- Consistency UI now shows subgroup names instead of just IDs
- Bandaid fix attempt for duplicate annotator body types issue.
- Fixed subgroups sometimes losing their own subgroups after drag-and-drop
- Added bulk subgroup rename function
- Fixed Subgroup ID autogeneration button to also update the required/excluded subgroups in other subgroups within the same config file to keep up with the updated subgroup ID.
- Fixed error message during that can occur during fresh install or update of pre-1.0.13 SynthEBD installation regarding failing to move a resource file.
- Monthly Eval license update
- Minor logging improvements
- Minor UI bugfixes
- Added framework for automatic BodySlide descriptor annotation. By default this does nothing because no rules are supplied by default. I will try to add some in the update. In the meantime, if you have experience making custom bodyslides and have a good sense of slider proportions, I would really welcome help coming up with a good set of default rules for SynthEBD to follow.
- I know a few people have been waiting for a BnP 2.0 config. Sorry for the delay; IRL has been really busy for me lately. I've had a nearly complete version sitting on my PC for about 3 weeks and haven't had time to put the finishing touches on it, but I should hopefully have it done within a week.
- Minor fix to Config Drafter. In a niche situation it would make a subgroup but fail to add the intended texture path to this subgroup.
- Added a new Config Drafter module to draft Config Files from existing texture mods. See the Nexus Article for a usage tutorial.
- If you assign a bodyslide in-game using OBody NG, SynthEBD will no longer override your selection when the NPC next reloads. Autobody mode does not have this feature (because AutoBody lacks a required function for it). I will note that OBody NG works in VR, if there are any users holding onto Autobody for that reason. You will need to clean save to use this feature on an existing game. Big thanks to Aetti for showing me how to do this.
- You will now see 7zip output during config file installation. If you're experiencing problems, you can uncheck "Close Archive Extractor When Done" in the General Settings menu to keep the output windows open and see if there's something wrong with what 7zip is doing. Big thanks to Noggog for showing me how to get this done.
- Added unlinking options to the Subgroup Linker window
- Patching now occurs in order of FormID. This should prevent some annoying behavior with linked assignments for same-name NPCs where the "copy" would be patched first and get assigned textures that would not have been eligible for assignment to the "main" instance of that NPC.
- Various minor fixes and logging improvements.
- Blocking NPCs with custom skins (by unchecking the Patch NPCs with Custom Bodies checkbox in the Tex/Mesh settings) is now compatible with EasyNPC (EasyNPC Compatibility Mode must be enabled further down in the menu).
- Fixed Race Groupings getting erroneously duplicated when installing a new config file
- Linking unique NPCs by name now only works if the NPCs are also of the same race; prevents Khajiiit/Argonian textures from going to humanoid NPCs if they share the same name.
- Fixed validation of config files with duplicate subgroup IDs
- Minor logging improvements.
- Fixed patcher adding blank attribute groups to attributes with existing attribute groups when installing a new config file.
- Fixed Asset Distribution Simulator ignoring changes to settings/rules made in the UI since launching the current session of SynthEBD (thanks to jayjay4funwithyou for pointing this out).
- Fixed crash when trying to read corrupt BodySlide.xml files (thanks to Moonody for helping to track down the issue).
- Added some checks to prevent accidental duplication of objects such as Race Groupings.
- Improved output for the "Environment Details" button in the status log.
- Minor improvements to crash logging to help me diagnose issues.
- Renewed Eval-Expression License (no feature updates or bug fixes).
- This version is mostly improvements for config file developers
- Added a Subgroup Linker button to Required Subgroups lists to auto-link subgroups by name or ID
- Added button in the Asset Distribution Simulator to show a full assignment report (same as one would get during regular patching)
- Fixed a UI bug introduced in where removing a Form from a Form Picker would cause a crash.
- Fixed bug in config installer where having a download info with an Override Prefix would require all other download infos in the Manifest to also have an Override Prefix even if they're meant to point to the default Prefix.
- Fixed Synthesis version of the patcher not respecting the selected Output Data Folder (Synthesis mode only).
- Fixed bug in which the presence of some specific mods (e.g. Darkend) in the load order would screw up SynthEBD's texture distribution, causing issues like torsos receiving hand textures. The issue was caused by some modded NPCs which probably should have been set to a creature race such as Draugr, but were actually set to Nord or another humanoid race. Once corrupted skins were created for these NPCs, SynthEBD would compound the problem by recycling them to various humanoid NPCs. In, SynthEBD detects these problem NPCs and excludes them from patching. Big thanks to Smellsin for identifying Darkend as a problem mod, allowing me to identify the issue. Let me know if there are any edge cases that this version still doesn't catch.
- Eval-Expression NuGet monthly license renewal
- .pfc1 release = me trying to get GitHub to recompile the .exe using the latest commit
- Eval-Expression NuGet monthly license renewal
- Fixed crash when creating a new config file
- Renewed Eval license