Release 0.1.0
- deps: husky/lint-staged deprecated with CI (2037b42)
- chore: don't publish to npm (4dc1880)
- Merge pull request #1 from Synthetixio/dev (8438ef1)
- chore: clean release-it plugins (519c85f)
- deps: remove keep-a-changlog release-it plugin (9923952)
- chore: npm run scripts improvements (0a4b492)
- deps: add keep-a-changelog (2dc99c9)
- chore: add publishConfig (f5e9e71)
- chore: add CI badge (00421d9)
- ci: init (a33e6c1)
- npm run scripts improvements (a136b5d)
- add lint script (b3fde30)
- add lint results to gitignore (b0ec1c2)
- init (e81c785)
- deps: update (a0a2537)
- init (449066f)