This site visualizes pancreas data collected as part of the HuBMAP project, which aims to collect cell-level data for every organ in the human body.
Docker/ Docker Compose
Clone this repo
git clone
Some of the files in this project are too large to check into GitHub. The GitHub repo includes representative examples that use smaller files. If you want to view the larger files, download them and move them into the appropriate subfolders in:
Build the image
cd app docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml build
Run the image
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up
Running the image starts the app at localhost:8050. Hot reloading within the Docker container does not work currently, but since the dev image uses a mount, you can see the changes by starting and stopping the container without rebuilding it.
Run pytest within a development container:
docker exec {container_name} pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov
On your machine, build the image
docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml build
Publish the image to Docker Hub
docker tag hubmap-pancreas-data-explorer-dash-app jlabyer/hubmap-pancreas-data-explorer:{tag} docker push jlabyer/hubmap-pancreas-data-explorer:{tag}
On the production server, pull the newly published image from Docker Hub
docker pull jlabyer/hubmap-pancreas-data-explorer:{tag}
Run the image and test it
docker run -p jlabyer/hubmap-pancreas-data-explorer:{tag}
Clean up old images
docker system prune -a --volumes
See the documentation
folder for more information about how to prepare optical clearing files and 3d model files for display on the website.