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Development (master):

R-CMD-check codecov Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. develVersion DOI

landvR is a R utility package for measuring landmark variation based on geomorph data.

Installing landvR

if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")

Vignettes and manuals

The packages comes with several vignettes (some of them are still drafts) on:

  • Plotting landmark variation: online or in Rmd

  • How to perform the landmark Procrustes coordinates variation test: online or in Rmd.

  • Some different systems for looking at landmark variation (displacement): online or in Rmd.

  • Using landmark variation area as an alternative approach to Procrustes distance: online or in Rmd.

  • How to rarefy a statistical test along a phylogeny: online or in Rmd.

Latest patch notes

  • 2019/10/28 - v0.4

  • prop.part.names: a function for getting names of species within clades.

  • rarefy.stat: a function for rarefying statistics.

Previous patch notes and notes for the next version can be seen here.

Authors and contributors

If you are using this package, please cite the paper:

If you are using the landmark variation test, please cite the paper:

  • Weisbecker, V, Guillerme, T, Speck, C, Sherratt, E, Mehari Abraha, H, Sharp, AC, Terhune, CE, Collins, S, Johnston, S, Panagiotopoulou, O. (2019) Individual variation of the masticatory system dominates 3D skull shape in the herbivory-adapted marsupial wombats. Frontiers in Zoology, 16, 41. 10.1186/s12983-019-0338-5

You can find a list of papers that cited landvR and got picked by google scholar here.


Tools for measuring landmark position variation







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