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Jakub Žitný edited this page Mar 4, 2017 · 2 revisions

var pausedPromise = evaporate.pause([file_key[, options]])

Pauses the upload for the file identified by the object file key or all files. If options include force, then the in-progress parts will be immediately aborted; otherwise, the file upload will be paused when all in-progress parts complete. Refer to the .paused and .pausing callbacks for status feedback when pausing.

file_key is the optional file key of the upload that you want to pause. If file_key is not defined, then all files will be paused. File key is constructed as bucket + '/' + object_name.

The completionPromise is an implementation of Promises/A+. The promise resolves when the upload pauses and rejects with a message if the upload could not be fulfilled.