Clone this repo
git clone
Enter the t3docs-search-indexer` folder and run
ddev start
ddev exec composer install
to install all dependencies.Run
ddev exec composer global require t3g/elasticorn:^7.0
to install ElasticornCreate elasticsearch index via Elasticorn:
ddev exec ~/.composer/vendor/bin/elasticorn.php index:init -c config/Elasticorn
If necessary adapt
in your.env
file if needed (see .env.dist for examples). DDEV environment hasDOCS_ROOT_PATH=../docs_server/
set up by default, so usually you don't need to change it if you followed the folder structure.Create
folder (on the same level wheret3docs-search-indexer
folder is) and put rendered documentation inside. This folder will be mounted inside DDEV under/var/www/docs_server
. You should have a structure likedocs_server/
Index documents as described below in "Usage" section
Enjoy the local search under
- Assets configuration is located in
file inassets
section - For rendering assets in template use Twig function
{{ render_assets($assetType, $assetLocation) | raw }}
where $assetType isjs
and $assetLocation
is header
or footer
- You can define assets for
parts of templates in inservices.yml
file inassets
Docsearch indexer configuration is keep in the
file indocsearch
section.You can configure 2 kinds of directories:
- allowed_paths - regular expressions for paths which should be indexed by Indexer
- excluded_directories - directories which should be ignored by Indexer
- Start elasticsearch.
- Run
./bin/console docsearch:import
to index all documentations from configured root path (DOCS_ROOT_PATH) folder (taking into account configuredallowed_paths
). - Open*:* to see indexed documents.
- enter to see application
- Run
ddev exec ./bin/console docsearch:import <packagePath>
is - a path to manual (or manuals) you want to import, relative to
. This command doesn't checkallowed_paths
, to ease usage when indexing single documentation folder from custom location (so you don't have to recreate folder structure from docs server). e.g.ddev exec ./bin/console docsearch:import c/typo3/cms-felogin/12.4
to import EXT:felogin documentation for v12
- Run
- Open*:* to see indexed documents.
If you want to start with fresh Elasticsearch index locally, you can use chrome extensions like Elasticvue to clear/drop Elasticsearch index if necessary.
If you want to remove selected manuals from index, you can use chrome extensions or the command docsearch:index:delete.
--manual-slug - slug of the manual to remove from index
--manual-version - version of the manual to remove from index
--manual-type - type of the manual to remove from index
--manual-language - language of the manual to remove from index
execute it with:
ddev exec ./bin/console docsearch:index:delete --manual-slug= --manual-version=9.5 --manual-type=Extension --manual-language=en-us
If you set the --manual-version
option, manuals with this version will be updated by removing
selected version from the list, and if this version was the last one, only then the whole manual will be removed.
Core changelog is treated as a "sub manual" of the core manual. To index it, just run indexing for cms-core manual.
To avoid duplicates search is indexing Core changelog only from "main" version/branch of the core documentation.
E.g. when you run ./bin/console docsearch:import c/typo3/cms-core/main/
then the changelog for all versions will be indexed,
but if you run ./bin/console docsearch:import c/typo3/cms-core/12.4/ the changelog will NOT be indexed.
There are several files and folders that are excluded from indexing by default.
You can find them in the services.yml
file in the docsearch
If you want to exclude more files or folders, you can add them to the excluded_directories
There are also specific places in the code where files or folders are ignored.
Inside the Manual::getFilesWithSections()
method, the Finder is configured to ignore several files and folders.
In the same place if teh indexed packages is typo3/cms-core
the Changelog
folder is excluded from indexing,as it wil be indexed as a part of the TYPO3 core manual (see Manual::getSubManuals()
for more details).
Since the typo3/cms-core
is a special package for core manuals, only the manuals from the main
versions should be indexed.TO achieve this the DirectoryFinderService::getFolderFilter() ... isNotIgnoredPath()
method is used.
It wil check if the processed directory is a /c/typo3/cms-core/'
and if the version is not main
, the whole directory (other version) will be ignored.
The ImportManualHTMLService::importSectionsFromManual()
method will check if the file contains.<meta name="x-typo3-indexer" content="noindex">
meta tag. If such tag exists inside the file, such file will be ignored.
To get a local Kibana connected to your local Elasticsearch instance, you can run this Docker command:
Then, open http://localhost:5601/app/dev_tools#/console to get the Dev Tools.