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Releases: Tangerine-Community/Tangerine


26 Feb 13:14
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v3.32.1-rc-5 Pre-release

Tangy Audio Recording and Audio Playback Inputs


12 Feb 16:55
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v3.32.1-rc-4 Pre-release


Create Angular Pipe to format form title
If the title doesn't contain t-lang tag, return the text
Otherwise, use the English translation if it exists or the first translation if there's no English version of the title

Use the same heuristic in the pipe when creating csv files

Type of Change

  • New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)

Create Angular Pipe to format form title
If the title doesnt contain t-lang tag, return the text
Otherwise, use the English translation if it exists or the first translation if there's no English version of the title

Refs #3735


11 Feb 18:01
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v3.32.1-rc-3 Pre-release

Alter the responsesByUserProfileId, responsesByUserProfileShortCode, and userProfileByUserProfileShortCode group views to trim whitespace from user profile ids and use the min length of T_USER_SHORT_CODE_LENGTH or userProfileId.length


10 Feb 16:22
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v3.32.1-rc-2 Pre-release
  • Add shared csv template parameter to generate csv data sets script and API

The /api/create/csvDataSets/ API and script called generate-csv-data-sets are useful to generate CSV Data Sets (Spreadsheets) across all forms in all groups. This change adds a second parameter called sharedCsvTemplateId which is the CouchDB Id of a Spreadsheet Template stored in the groups database named group-<id>-csv-templates. When the parameter is provided to the script or API, the CSV Template will be applied to control the headers on the CSV datasets produced by the process. Only CSVs will be produced for groups that have the sharedCsvTemplateId template in the group-<id>-csv-templates database.


06 Feb 19:45
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v3.32.1-rc-1 Pre-release

General Updates

  • #3776 Add platform config variable T_USER_SHORT_CODE_LENGTH to set the length of the user short code

Server upgrade instructions

See the Server Upgrade Instructions.

Special Instructions for this release:

Once the Tangerine and CouchDB are running, run the upgrade script for v3.32.1:

docker exec -it tangerine /tangerine/server/src/upgrade/v3.32.1.js


24 Jan 17:00
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Tangerine v3.32.0 contains a major update to the deployment and fuctionality of Online Surveys including the introduction of authentication and case association.

Online Survey Authentication

Online Surveys can now be released for public access or require authentication. When authentication is required, data collectors will be required to provide a device user Access Code to access the survey. The survey will be associated with the device user who provided the short code.

To deploy an Online Survey and require authentication:

  1. Create the form
  2. Add the "requireAccessCode": true property to the app-config.json file
  3. Navigate to Deploy > Release Online Survey for the group
  4. In the Unpublished Surveys list, click the icon to deploy a survey and require an access code.

Custom Markdown for Online Survey Login Page

Custom styling (text, logos, formatting etc.) can be added to the login page for Online Surveys. In the content set repository, create a file called client/custom-login-markup.html. The file can contain any valid html. Any images can be added to the media folder and used in the html. Example Custom Login Markup.

Online Survey Case Form Authentication

Online Surveys with authentication can also be configured when using the Case Module. This is useful for studies who want to deploy secure forms without needing to install a full PWA or APK for one form associated with the case. For example, a mother-child cohort study deploys Tangerine to track the health of the mother and child after birth. Labs are collected in the field and sent for analysis. Instead of requiring the lab to install a tablet or PWA with the Tangerine app, the lab forms can be deployed online to simplify the completion process.

To configure forms for secure deployment online in Case, add the "allowOnline": true property to the eventFormDefinitions section in the case definition file. See the form definition for form-allowed-online-survey in case-type-1.

Online Survey Help Link

A help link can be added to the web pages for Online Surveys and will appear with the icon in the header. Define the link url by adding the "helpLink": "" property to the app-config.json file. When clicked, the link will open in a new browser window.

Tangerine Case APIs

  • /userProfile/createUserProfile/:groupId
    • Creates a user-profile document in the group
    • Additional body data in json format will add properties to the user-profile: { "age": "7", "dob": "1/1/2018"}
  • /case/createCase/:groupId/:caseDefinitionId
    • Creates a case in the group with the case type defined by the case definition id
    • Additional body data in json format will add properties to the case: { "age": "7", "dob": "1/1/2018"}
  • /case/readCase/:groupId/:caseId
    • Read a case from the group with the case id
  • /case/createCaseEvent/:groupId/:caseId/:caseDefinitionId/:caseEventDefinitionId
    • Creates an event with the event type as defined in the case definition
  • /case/createParticipant/:groupId/:caseId/:caseDefinitionId/:caseRoleId
    • Creates a participant with the case role as defined in the case definition
  • /case/getCaseEventFormSurveyLinks/:groupId/:caseId/
    Returns a JSON document with the urls for all case forms with active online surveys in the format:
      "eventDefinitionId": event.caseEventDefinitionId,
      "eventFormDefinitionId": eventForm.eventFormDefinitionId,
      "formId": formId,
      "url": url

Server upgrade instructions

See the Server Upgrade Instructions.

Special Instructions for this release: N/A


24 Jan 16:50
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General Updates

  • Add APIs to access MySQL tables
    Data Managers who have been granted the can_access_mysql_api permission can now access Tangerine MySQL data through the web interface. This is useful for building reporting dashboards within Tangerine or through other tools like PowerBI, R, Stata or Tableau.

See the Custom Dashboard Example for instructions.

  • Scoring: Add scoring percent and denominator values
    When Tangerine form scoring is turned on, each section will now output the score, percent, and denominator values. The values will be output in csv and mysql data as:
  • <section_name>_score_denominator
  • <section_name>_score_percent

Projects who want this functionality to run on existing uploads can use a Tangerine Wedge script:
Add Scoring Percent and Denominator

  • Add server scripts: New server administration scripts


  • After adding a user to a group, navigate back to the user table
  • Run 'npm install' during APK and PWA builds to ensure installation of dependencies and build for custom code

Libs and Dependencies

  • Bump tangy-form to v4.46.1 to add scoring percent and denominator values
  • Bump tangy-form-editor to v7.18.2

Server upgrade instructions

See the Server Upgrade Insturctions.

Special Instructions for this release: N/A


23 Jan 19:47
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  • Working Github Workflow docker image build actions
  • Updated Release Instructions
  • Import features and fixes from v3.31.0
  • Import features and fixes from v3.31.1


23 Jan 18:48
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v4.1.3-rc-2 Pre-release
Add T_TAG specification to start-docker-compose script


23 Jan 18:34
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v4.1.3-rc-1 Pre-release
Change github workflow to build v4 on release