Releases: Tangerine-Community/Tangerine
Releases · Tangerine-Community/Tangerine
Fix undefined doLocalWorkaround
Merge branch '3473_media-inputs-updated' into release/v3.30.2
Add fix for #3583
Fix scores and translations in sms and whatsapp message
Don't abbreviate curricula labels; Fix attendance messages
New Features
- Customizable 'About' Page on client #3677
-- Form developers can create or update a form with the id 'about'
-- The form will appear in the 'About' page on the client
General Updates
- Password Visibility -- the login and register screen on the client shows an 'eye' icon used to hide or show passwords
- Re-organization of the client app menu
Teach Module Updates
- Behavior screen show a link instead of a checkbox to access the Behavior form
- Hint text added to attendance, behavior, and scoring tables
- Improved save messaging for attendance and scoring
Test Device Sync Then Update
v3.31.0-test-2 Add function to emit sync completion after media uploads
Test Device Sync Then Update
v3.31.0-test-1 Add onComplete Subject to sync and syncing services to trigger check …
New Features
- Multiple Location Lists can be configured using the Tangerine server web interface
-- Create and manage location lists for use in Tangerine forms
-- The default location list is used for device and device user assignment. - The app-config.json teachProperties has new properties,
:The"unitDates": [{"name": "Unidad 1","start": "2023-02-15", "end": "2023-04-23"}, {"name": "Unidad 2","start": "2023-04-24", "end": "2023-06-30"}], "studentRegistrationFields": ["student_name", "student_surname", "phone", "classId"]
property is used to configure the dates for each unit in the Class module.
property is used to configure the fields from the Student Registration form to be saved in the class attendance, behavior, and score register and CSV's. - The app-config.json teachProperties has a new property,
, which enables the Attendance Calendar in the Class module when set to true. - Intl/locale support in Class: The class module currently supports the es-gt locale. Add additional locales in class/module.ts:
import { registerLocaleData } from '@angular/common'; import localeEsGt from '@angular/common/locales/es-GT'; registerLocaleData(localeEsGt);
- The "Request spreadsheets" CSV output form now has three new forms to view if
is set to true in app-config.json: Attendance, Behavior, and Score
Server upgrade instructions
Reminder: Consider using the Tangerine Upgrade Checklist for making sure you test the upgrade safely.
cd tangerine
# Check the size of the data folder.
du -sh data
# Check disk for free space.
df -h
# If there is not more than 12 GB plus the size of the data folder, create more space before proceeding.
# Good candidates to remove are: data back-up folders and older versions of the Tangerine image
# rm -rf ../data-backup-<date>
# docker rmi tangerine/tangerine:<version>
# Create a backup of the data folder.
cp -r data ../data-backup-$(date "+%F-%T")
# Check logs for the past hour on the server to ensure it's not being actively used. Look for log messages like "Created sync session" for Devices that are syncing and "login success" for users logging in on the server.
docker logs --since=60m tangerine
# Fetch the updates.
git fetch origin
git checkout -b v3.30.1 v3.30.1
./ v3.30.1
# Remove Tangerine's previous version Docker Image.
docker rmi tangerine/tangerine:<previous_version>