What's Changed
- deps(contrib): update TarsGo v1.4.4 by @lbbniu in #477
- perf(transport): optimize logging and normalize variable naming by @lbbniu in #478
- perf: connection closed, try to reconnect once by @lbbniu in #479
- feat: framework supports automatic service registry discovery by @lbbniu in #481
- feat: sync TarsProtocol/servant and TarsProtocol/tup dir by @lbbniu in #482
- fix: Setting the read timeout configuration is unreasonable, causing the service to exit and the connection not closed by @lbbniu in #494
- close the file before rename it by @cosmosir in #497
- feat: TLOG log rolling is configured using a configuration file by @lbbniu in #502
- perf: optimize server-side handling of timeout control by @lbbniu in #504
- fixbug: fix occasional RPC blocking issue due to coroutine scheduling timing, leading to a nil chan during the pushBackMsg call. by @lbbniu in #505
- perf: Optimize Property Reporting Initialization by @lbbniu in #506
- feat: tars basic service call context adds node_name by @lbbniu in #503
- perf: optimize service configuration file parse by @lbbniu in #507
tarsgo v1.3.6
tars2go v1.2.4
- refactor tars2go by @lbbniu in #480
- perf(gencode): for optional fields, there can be a default value, and the default value is not packed by default when encoding by @lbbniu in #483
- perf: add "DO NOT EDIT" line before package clause. by @lbbniu in #487
- perf: enum type add go:generate stringer comment by @lbbniu in #488
- update tars2go version v1.2.3 by @lbbniu in #489
- fix: The first module of the single-file multi-module is generated multiple times by @lbbniu in #491
- perf(tars2go): optimize ast structure definition by @lbbniu in #493
- update tars base protocol to tars2go v1.2.3 by @lbbniu in #484
- perf: optimize gen_go logic by @lbbniu in #495
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.4.4...v1.4.5