berg-cli is a helper cli to play ctfs running on the berg platform.
This initialises a berg repo by downloading all available challenges and attachments to the given path. This will use the current directory if path is not given.
Syncs the berg repo. This will download any new challenges it doesn't have yet.
If authenticated, it will also move any challenge folder that are completed to .done/
. When used with the --flagdump
flag, it will also try to submit any flags it finds in the challenge folders (.flag
Submits a flag for a given challenge. This will check if the flag is correct and if so, move the challenge to .done/
In either case, it will cache the flag after submission to prevent resubmission.
Starts an instance of a challenge. If no challenge is given, it will start an instance of the challenge in the current folder, if applicable.
Stops the current challenge instance.
This command is a WIP.
Exploits a challenge. This will start a challenge instance and exploit it. There are various arguments to control instance lifecycle in the context of this command.
The script should be a python script configured to take the instance ip and port as arguments, eg: python $IP $PORT
Authenticate the current repo. Requires a berg auth token.
A berg repo in the context of this cli is a project folder with the following structure:
|- .done/ folder including challenges that have been completed
|- category-a
|- challenge-a
|- .berg.auth # berg auth file (optional)
|- .berg.toml # berg config file
|- .gitignore
create a .berg.auth
file in the root of your berg repo and insert the token from the berg-auth token you can find in your browser.
- flag submission command
- command to start challenges on the remote
- init should also initialise a git repository
- automatic grep for flag format + common encodings of flag format for forensic challenges
- spwn / pwninit for pwn challenges and maybe run an autopwn just in case