Cache block for the liquid templating engine ( )
Still basic, PR are welcome, I'm not anymore improving this.
- Improve caching keys ( md5 of the content, etc )
- Allow a 2nd arg to the filter to set the expiration time
Cache into a folder
let vec = vec![Value::Str("GOOOO".to_string()); 100000];
let text = r#"
{%cache makey %}
{% for i in vec %}
My stuff {{ i }}
{% endfor %}
{% endcache %}
let mut options : LiquidOptions = Default::default();
options.blocks.insert("cache".to_string(), Box::new(RawCacheBlock::new("./tests/tmp")));
let template = parse(&text, &mut options).unwrap();
let mut data = Context::new();
data.set_val("vec", Value::Array(vec));
data.set_val("makey", Value::Str("cachekeytest".to_string())); // tmp file : ./tests/tmp/cachekeytest
let _ = template.render(&mut data);
Use redis to cache data
// redis
let client = redis::Client::open("redis://").unwrap();
let con = Arc::new(Mutex::new(client.get_connection().unwrap()));
// End
let vec = vec![Value::Str("GOOOO".to_string()); 100000];
let text = r#"
{%cache makey %}
{% for i in vec %}
My stuff {{ i }}
{% endfor %}
{% endcache %}
let mut options : LiquidOptions = Default::default();
options.blocks.insert("cache".to_string(), Box::new(RedisCacheBlock::new(con.clone())));
let template = parse(&text, &mut options).unwrap();
let mut data = Context::new();
data.set_val("vec", Value::Array(vec));
data.set_val("makey", Value::Str("cachekeytest".to_string()));
let _ = template.render(&mut data);