This is Techman Robot Trajectory ROS Driver.
This package should be used with TM ROS1 Noetic driver.
Type to create a root workspace directory by starting a terminal:
For example,tmdriver_ws
, then type to change the current directory into the workspace directory path.
mkdir ~/tmdriver_ws
cd ~/tmdriver_ws
Download the TM driver of the git repository into the current directory by typing
git clone -b noetic
Download the TM Trajectory driver of the git repository into the current directory by typing
git clone
Copy the TM Trajectory driver to TM driver and change its name to src
cp -R tm_ros_trajectory_driver tmr_ros1
mv ~/tmdriver_ws/tmr_ros1 ~/tmdriver_ws/src
Install the MoveIt environment, by typing
cd ~/tmdriver_ws/src/tm_ros_trajectory_driver
sudo chmod +x
Note: The installation will only need to be built once, unless it needs to be updated. -
Build all source code
cd ~/tmdriver_ws
source ./devel/setup.bash
You can run the TM Trajectory ROS Driver with the following command in the virtual environment
- Please launch the TM ros driver with MoveIt, we use TM5-900 for example
roslaunch tm5-900-moveit_config tm5-900_moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=True
- Please run the TM Trajectory ROS Driver
rosrun tm_trajectory_driver tm_trajectory_driver
You can run the TM Trajectory ROS Driver with the following command in a real robot
- Please launch the TM ros driver with MoveIt, we use TM5-900 for example
roslaunch tm5-900-moveit_config tm5-900_moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=False robot_ip:=<your_ip>
- Please run the TM Trajectory ROS Driver
rosrun tm_trajectory_driver tm_trajectory_driver
You can run the demo code to send joint target by typing
rosrun tm_trajectory_driver joint_move_demo
you can also run the demo code to send a cartesian target by typing
rosrun tm_trajectory_driver cartisian_move_demo
You can get the current robot joints position by typing
rostopic echo /tm_joint_states
You can get the current robot cartesian position by typing
rostopic echo /tm_tool_pose