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/ lightIRC Public archive

Archive of the discontinued lightIRC webchat

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Welcome to lightIRC 1.3.4!
 _ _       _     _   _____ _____   _____     __    ____     __
| (_)     | |   | | |_   _|  __ \ / ____|   /_ |  |__  |   / /
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| | |/ _` | '_ \| __| | | |  _  /| |         | |  |__  | /__   |
| | | (_| | | | | |_ _| |_| | \ \| |____     | |_  __| |_   | | 
|_|_|\__, |_| |_|\__|_____|_|  \_\\_____|    |_(_)|____(_)  |_|
      __/ |

lightIRC has been developed by Valentin Manthei ([email protected])

Changes in lightIRC 1.3.4 (27. March 2015):
- SSL support (parameter ssl, enabled automatically on port 6697)
- JavaScript method onUserListClick for user list clicks
- /webcam settings command to open the settings
- webcamPrivateDefault parameter
- Allow multiple filters for identifyMessage
- Romanian locale updated
- Fix: Always load runtime shared libraries using SSL
- Fix: Don't display empty topics
- Fix: Allow /whois nick nick syntax

Changes in lightIRC 1.3.3 (07. August 2014):
- Webcam streams can be recorded with parameter webcamRecord=true
- Added onActiveWindowChange JavaScript callback
- Fix: IP/Host naming in whois changed
- Fix: User modes were sometimes shown incorrectly

Changes in lightIRC 1.3.2 (15. July 2013):
- Added CSS selectors for many message types
- Added JavaScript callback method to parse every outgoing command (parameter loopClientCommands)</a>
- Added channel and host variables to onContextMenuSelect and onChatAreaClick JavaScript callback methods
- Added close icon on channel and query buttons
- Added parameters to disable foreground/background color selection in rich text controls popup (parameters showRichTextControlsForegroundColor, showRichTextControlsBackgroundColor)
- Added user information box upon hovering a nickname in the user list (parameters showUserListInformationPopup, userListInformationPopupItems)
- Changed default value for timestampFormat to [HH:mm:ss] (24 hours format)
- /clear command supports channel or query name as a parameter
- Removed 'have fun' from channel welcome message
- Fix: Channel list would not populate when receiving multiple joins from the same nick
- Fix: Voice/Halfop items did not always appear properly in the user list context menu
- Fix: Emoticon parsing in nicknames disabled
- Fix: Channel header CSS didn't work
- Fix: +a channel mode didn't work
- Fix: Colons in messages could misleadingly produce URL hyperlinks
- Fix: Sound wasn't always disableable in the options panel
- Fix: Angle brackets could be used for HTML injections in topics

Changes in lightIRC 1.3.1 (02. December 2012):
- userListCustomFormatting supports channels modes (e.g. mode=v)
- Custom timestamp format using parameter timestampFormat
- Fix: Emoticon replacements don't break words anymore (e.g. :Pizza)
- Fix: userListCustomFormatting user list update is enforced when joining a channel
- Fix: Private webcam accept popup does not receive keyboard input anymore
- Fix: Default emoticon transparency improved and glow filter for emoticon popup added
- Fix: Unexpected behavior when language file could not be found

Changes in lightIRC 1.3 (20. October 2012):
- Webcam module with admin features, cam overview, publishers can kick viewers, improved user interface
- The context menu item "whois" is being removed if you pass whois in blockedCommands
- The part item in the channel button context menu is being removed if you pass part in blockedCommands
- Parameter defaultBanmask for the ban popup
- JavaScript method sendMessageToActiveWindow to add custom messages to the active window
- Transparent lightIRC background possible (to use the website background in the chat)
- User icons can be shown in the chat area (showNickPrefixIcons), also for users without modes (like voice, op, ...)
- The quit message will also be sent if the user simply closes the browser tab (with the help of a JavaScript unload method)
- Nick list rows are stylable through regular expressions and CSS settings
- onContextMenuSelect and onChatAreaClick JavaScript methods provide nickname, ident and realname
- Strip formatting codes for the tooltips in the channel header and list overview
- Custom security error message usable with customSecurityErrorMessage
- Changed the chat window text buffer to prevent the client from consuming too much memory
- Fix: Multiple spaces don't collapse anymore (you often see many spaces in motds for example)
- Fix: User mode changes did not always show up properly (+vo, then -o)
- Fix: New query stole the focus, even if showNewQueriesInBackground was set
- Fix: /away with a single word as a description didn't work

Changes in lightIRC 1.2.3 (16. February 2012):
- Added Arabian (ar) translation
- Parameter showVerboseUserInformation (default false) adds ident and host information for joins, parts and quits
- Parameter targetFrame (default "_blank") lets you specify the target frame for clicked URLs in the chat area
- Fix: Focus did jump to channel input if identify password popup was open
- Fix: Space key did accept webcam requests while typing a message
- Fix: Errors occured if having webcam enabled without rtmfp parameter
- Fix: webcamVideoOnly/webcamAudioOnly bug

Changes in lightIRC 1.2.2 (09. December 2011):
- Changes in default CSS files to configure the webcam popup
- Fix: Application didn't load properly when using different languages
- Fix: Text area crashed when receiving long messages
- Fix: webcamChannelBlacklist/webcamChannelWhitelist bug

Changes in lightIRC 1.2.1 (29. November 2011):
- Flex 4 runtime shared libraries included in package
- Show ban removals in channel when channel central is open
- Fix: webcamPrivateOnly/webcamPublicOnly bug

Changes in lightIRC 1.2 (27. November 2011):
- Added Finnish, Croatian, Indonesian and Portuguese translations
- %prefix% in userListCustomIcons will be replaced by q/a/o/h/v or an empty string.
- setTextInputContent JavaScript method
- Rejoin button in kick poup
- Removed Red5 webcam module, added peer to peer webcam streaming
- Parameters to control webcam behavior: webcamShowOnStartup, webcamPrivateOnly, webcamPublicOnly, webcamVideoOnly, webcamAudioOnly, webcamChannelBlacklist, webcamChannelWhitelist
- Webcam icon appears on top of the query button if the user is broadcasting
- To open a channel from the channel list, a double click is needed instead of a single click
- Removed translation feature because Google does not offer the translation API for free anymore
- Startup improved, flickering when loading styles removed
- Fix: Socket read method optimized
- Fix: Set focus to text input after selecting an emoticon
- Fix: Message history optimized (up and down cursor buttons in the text input)
- Fix: IRCX messages partially supported
- Fix: Button overflow (channels, queries) fixed

Changes in lightIRC 1.1 (12. March 2011):
- Added Hungarian, Czech, Polish and Slovenian translations
- Server password is not being displayed in plain text anymore
- Parameter charset makes you able to define a custom encoding (default: utf-8)
- Parameter iconPath allows to use custom user list icons instead of having @+ prefixes
- Parameter userListCustomIcons allows you to include own icons for nicknames
- Parameter contextMenuExternalEvent is now able to take more than one item
- Various predefined ban masks are now available in the ban popup
- Away messages are displayed in the active chat window
- Added /back alias to unset an away state
- /clear command added
- Emoticons are not shown in the server window anymore
- Channel header supports channel and URL links
- Background image support for CSS stylesheets
- Ignores are being remembered
- A click on a nick in the chat area calls a JavaScript method
- Identify message default value changed to "NickServ:This nickname is registered"
- Support for mIRC background colors
- Scrolling for the emoticon popup when having many emoticons
- The parameters nickPrefix and nickPostfix define what should be shown around a nick in the chat area. Default: <nick>
- The parameter showNickPrefixes indicates whether a nick in the chat area is displayed like this: @nick or +nick (default: yes) 
- Last used nick is being stored when using rememberNickname
- Menu, translation, emoticons are small popus now
- Server input can be sent to JavaScript with parameter loopServerCommands
- Specific commands can be blocked from being entered from the user with parameter blockedCommands
- Fix: notices in query windows were not shown
- Fix: fontWeight CSS setting for links didn't work
- Fix: parameter nickAlternate didn't work properly
- Fix: ftp:// links were not supported
- Fix: the chat area scrollbar stopped scrolling down in some cases
- Fix: +vv mode change did only apply for the first nick
- Fix: < and > in emoticon codes were not supported 
- Fix: emoticons were shown horizontally flipped due to a bug in Flex 4.1
- Fix: Removed control key for nick completion as it caused problems when hitting CTRL+V in a query
- Fix: /memoserv or other commands starting with /me were interpreted as actions

This package contains the following files:
- css/ (Contains various CSS styles that can be used to change lightIRCs style. Parameter to change the style: styleURL)
- emoticons/ (Contains emoticons to be used within lightIRC. Parameters to change emoticons: emoticonPath, emoticonList)
- icons/ (Contains icons which are being displayed in the user list if you use useUserListIcons = true)
- language/ (Contains translations for the user interface)
- lib/ (Runtime shared libraries for the Adobe Flex 4 SDK)
- lightIRC.swf (The lightIRC application itself)
- index.html (The home page to start lightIRC)
- config.js (lightIRC configuration parameters)
- expressInstall.swf (Used to install Flash Player automatically if a user does not have the plugin installed)
- readme.txt (This file)

- Open config.js with a text editor and change/add parameters if necessary. Read for a list of all parameters.
- Upload all files and folders to your webspace
- Navigate your browser to index.html

Important notice:
If you should encounter a "security error" when starting lightIRC, please read

More information: or (#lightIRC)
Please use the bug tracker to submit feature requests or bugs:

Best regards,


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