Releases: Tendrl/api
Releases · Tendrl/api
Tendrl API v1.3.0B
Tendrl API v1.2.3
- Use flow tags everywhere while submitting jobs
- Monitoring API for nodes, cluster and systems
- Updated API docs for CreateVolume and Jobs
- Handle exceptions with messages
- Logout exception fix
- CreateCluster changes
Updated API docs
Tendrl API v1.2.2
- Create Cluster
- Jobs Messaging
- Authentication
- Authorization
API Docs can be found at
Tendrl-api v1.2.1
- Auto detection of available clusters
- import ceph and gluster from the detected cluster list
Performance Monitoring
- Automatic configuration of storage nodes(monitoring conf, collect config and startup)
- Host specific stats are available(cpu, memory etc)
- Host specific stats are populated as part of GetNodeList API
- Cluster status : ceph and gluster cluster(API only)
- Gluster volume status
- Cluster utilization : ceph and gluster
- Storage utilization: volumes and pools(API only)
Inventory listing:
- ceph and gluster cluster
- volumes, pools and rbds
- storage nodes
- Ceph Pool creation
- Replicated pools
- EC Pools(API only)
- Edit Ceph Pool(API only)
- Grow PGs(API only)
- Delete Pool(API only)
- Ceph RBD Creation
- Resize Rbds
- Delete Rbds(API only)
Tendrl API v1.2
- Enabled the GetClusterList and GetNodeList APIs for the list views on the UI.
- Monitoring API integration.
- ImportCluster API.
- Initial implementation of the job status updates.
Tendrl API v1.1
Announcing the release of Tendrl API v1.1
The release includes fixes for packaging, loading configurations and CORS
- Remove unused dependencies
- Load environment specific configurations
- Specifying exact version numbers for dependencies
- Tendrl packaging spec files
- CORS header fixes
Tendrl API v1.0
Announcing the release of Tendrl API v1.0.
The release provides basic storage management API's for Ceph and Gluster.
Following are the list of available API's per provider
- Import cluster
- Create pool
- Delete pool
- Import cluster
- Create volume
- Delete volume