GeoCRUD is a Geographic data editor based on Terralego tools.
GeoCRUD is a configurable Geographic data editor
This section take you by the hand through a series of steps to install a working version of the GeoCRUD application. Start here if you want a working version of the platform.
In order to install the server application, you need to fulfil the following requirements:
- A linux server with a recent kernel
- docker >= 18.6 installed
- docker-compose >= 1.23.0 installed
- Any load balancer (HaProxy, Traefik, ...)
- A hostname pointing to the server
- Optional (recommended): a set of extra subdomains also pointing to the backend server to serve tiles from the same server but bypass the browser limit. Drastically improve performances
These instructions will guide you to install the application for development or on a production server.
To install it we need to achieve the following steps:
- Get the latest version
- Configure the application
- Bootstrap the instance
- Populate initial database
unzip GeoCRUD/
cd GeoCRUD
docker pull terralego/geocrud-front:latest
docker pull terralego/geocrud-back:latest
Create environment file from template
cp .env.dist .env
edit .env and set your custom configuration (at least choose a password, and change default user "geocrud" for postgres container)
As you want, you can customize your GeoCRUD instance
- By adding dependencies in requirements.txt (we recommend to use pip-tools / edit / generate requirements.txt / rebuild with docker-compose)
- By adding your own code in conf/ (add django apps, customize code and functions, all settings variables are accessible and editable)
- By editing basic values in .env file (see project/settings/{ |} to see available environment variables or make yours with file)
- By access /api/admin with a super user access to create and set Crud views / Data layers / Map base layers et set some other settings.
After a last verification of the files, to run with docker, just type:
docker-compose up
docker-compose run --rm django ./ createsuperuser
docker-compose run --rm django ./ loaddata /app/public/data/fixtures/demo.json
- By default and without frontend proxy, you should able to access by going to :
- for frontend application
- for API admin configuration
- choose port to bind to host
FRONT_PORT can be overrided in .env file
- enable ssl in backend
Once SSL configuration and / or frontend proxy configuration enabled, add
SSL_ENABLE=True in your .env field and restart stack
- We recommend to backup your database and your data local folder periodically
- Always define at least one property and sync schemas for crud views
- Always keep at least one map base layer functional
- MapBox base layer will crash if you don't define MAPBOX_TOKEN. So don't use mapbox base layers without it
- In local environment, some feature are unavailable
- Access media urls in templates. That's because django container can't deals with nginx based urls or relative urls. It will be working if you use a public DNS. If you use private DNS, make sure django container can resolve it (ex: by adding an extra_host entry)
- Some map base layers are not available in mapbox-gl-renderer container because they are only allowed by referer.
- In this case, add a location in conf/nginx/nginx.conf that proxify request to tile url with good referer, and use this new local URL in mapbox base layer config.
- Keep care of HAProxy
- In some cases, django container should make request on public DNS. The network stack should be ok for resolving DNS in django containers.Some nginx headers are used to says django if https is enabled or not, so in some case you should force it in nginx.conf file.
- Fix lack permissions system (Unifying and configuring to link them to groups or users)
- Open to custom User model
- Make GeoCRUD configurable in frontend
- Plug DataSource to manage data import and synchronisation
- Plug "Visu" to generate Read only interfaces
- Improve django-terra-geocrud (multiple layout by layer, show and define relations, Generate DOCX and PDF sheets)
- @terralego - Idea & Initial work