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ThatSINEWAVE authored Mar 4, 2024
1 parent 00d4189 commit d35daeb
Showing 1 changed file with 253 additions and 75 deletions.
328 changes: 253 additions & 75 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,134 +3,312 @@
import json
import threading
import sys
import itertools
import os

def load_config():
with open('config.json', 'r') as file:
return json.load(file)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to load configuration: {e}")
print(f"[CustomRP] Failed to load configuration: {e}")

config = load_config()
presence_thread = None

# Use a threading event to signal when to stop the thread.
# Global variables
presence_thread = None
stop_event = threading.Event()
mode = "all" # Default mode is 'all'
show_timestamps = True
welcome_art = r"""
_____ _____ _ _ ______ __ __ __ __ ______ _ _____
/ ____||_ _|| \ | || ____|\ \ / //\\ \ / /| ____|( )/ ____|
| (___ | | | \| || |__ \ \ /\ / // \\ \ / / | |__ |/| (___
\___ \ | | | . ` || __| \ \/ \/ // /\ \\ \/ / | __| \___ \
____) | _| |_ | |\ || |____ \ /\ // ____ \\ / | |____ ____) |
|_____/ |_____||_| \_||______| \/ \//_/ \_\\/ |______| |_____/
_____ _ _____ _____
/ ____| | | | __ \ | __ \
| | _ _ ___ | |_ ___ _ __ ___ | |__) || |__) |
| | | | | |/ __|| __| / _ \ | '_ ` _ \ | _ / | ___/
| |____ | |_| |\__ \| |_ | (_) || | | | | || | \ \ | |
\_____| \__,_||___/ \__| \___/ |_| |_| |_||_| \_\|_|

def custom_print(message):
"""Prints a message with a timestamp if enabled."""
timestamp = time.strftime("[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]", time.localtime())
if show_timestamps:
print(message.replace("{TIME_STAMP}", timestamp))
print(message.replace("{TIME_STAMP} ", ""))

def clear_console():
os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')

def animated_countdown(duration, prefix=""):
symbols = itertools.cycle(['|', '/', '-', '\\'])
end_time = time.time() + duration
while time.time() < end_time:
sys.stdout.write(f"\r{prefix} {next(symbols)} Remaining: {int(end_time - time.time())}s ")
sys.stdout.write('\rDone! \n')

def update_presence(application_id, message_sets, timer_interval):

def update_presence(application_id, message_sets, timer_interval, presence_mode):
global stop_event
print("[CustomRP] Attempting to connect to Discord RPC...")
RPC = Presence(client_id=application_id)
print(f"[CustomRP] Connected to Discord RPC.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Could not connect to Discord RPC: {e}")
print(f"[CustomRP] Could not connect to Discord RPC: {e}")

index = 0
animation_symbols = itertools.cycle(['|', '/', '-', '\\'])
while not stop_event.is_set():
current_set = message_sets[index % len(message_sets)]
if index >= len(message_sets) and presence_mode == "all":
index = 0 # Reset index if out of range for 'all' mode

current_set = message_sets[index]
set_name = current_set.get('name', f'Set {index + 1}')

# Construct the kwargs for RPC.update()
update_kwargs = {
"state": current_set["state"]["text"] if current_set["state"].get("enabled", False) else "",
"details": current_set["details"]["text"] if current_set["details"].get("enabled", False) else "",
"large_image": current_set["large_image"]["key"] if current_set["large_image"].get("enabled", False) else "",
"small_image": current_set["small_image"]["key"] if current_set["small_image"].get("enabled", False) else "",
"large_text": current_set["large_text"]["text"] if current_set["large_text"].get("enabled", False) else "",
"small_text": current_set["small_text"]["text"] if current_set["small_text"].get("enabled", False) else "",
"buttons": [{"label": button["label"], "url": button["url"]} for button in current_set["buttons"] if button.get("enabled", True)]
"state": current_set["state"]["text"] if "state" in current_set and current_set["state"].get("enabled",
False) else "",
"details": current_set["details"]["text"] if "details" in current_set and current_set["details"].get(
"enabled", False) else "",
"large_image": current_set["large_image"]["key"] if "large_image" in current_set and current_set[
"large_image"].get("enabled", False) else "",
"small_image": current_set["small_image"]["key"] if "small_image" in current_set and current_set[
"small_image"].get("enabled", False) else "",
"large_text": current_set["large_text"]["text"] if "large_text" in current_set and current_set[
"large_text"].get("enabled", False) else "",
"small_text": current_set["small_text"]["text"] if "small_text" in current_set and current_set[
"small_text"].get("enabled", False) else "",
"buttons": [{"label": button["label"], "url": button["url"]} for button in current_set.get("buttons", []) if
button.get("enabled", True)]

if "startTimestamp" in current_set and current_set["startTimestamp"].get("enabled", False):
update_kwargs["start"] = current_set["startTimestamp"]["time"]
if "endTimestamp" in current_set and current_set["endTimestamp"].get("enabled", False):
update_kwargs["end"] = current_set["endTimestamp"]["time"]

if "party_size" in current_set and current_set["party_size"].get("enabled", False):
update_kwargs["party_id"] = "party_" + str(index)
update_kwargs["party_size"] = [current_set["party_size"]["current_size"], current_set["party_size"]["max_size"]]
update_kwargs["party_size"] = [current_set["party_size"]["current_size"],

print(f"Updated presence with '{set_name}'.")

index += 1
symbol = next(animation_symbols)
custom_print(f"[CustomRP] Current presence: '{set_name}' {symbol}")
if mode == "all":
# For 'all' mode, use animated countdown for each presence update
animated_countdown(timer_interval, prefix=f"[CustomRP] Next update in:")
index += 1 # Move to the next presence set
# For 'single' mode, maintain current presence without incrementing index
animated_countdown(timer_interval, prefix=f"[CustomRP] Maintaining presence: '{set_name}'")
except Exception as e:
print(f"[CustomRP] Failed to update Discord presence: {e}")
break # Exit the loop on failure to update presence

RPC.clear() # Clear the presence when stopping
RPC.close() # Close the connection properly
stop_event.clear() # Reset the stop event for potential future use
print("[CustomRP] Discord RPC connection closed.")

def handle_command(command):
global config, presence_thread
global config, presence_thread, stop_event, mode # Declare 'mode' here along with other globals

clear_console() # Clear the console at the beginning of handling any command
print(welcome_art) # Display the welcome art each time a command is handled

command_parts = command.split()
command_name = command_parts[0] if command_parts else ""
command_args = command_parts[1:]

if command == "help":
print("Available commands:")
print("start - Starts the Discord Rich Presence.")
print("stop - Stops the Discord Rich Presence.")
print("timer <seconds> - Sets the update interval for the presence.")
print("appid <application_id> - Updates the application ID used for the presence.")
print("quit - Exit the script.")
print("about - Provides information about this script.")
print("[CustomRP] Available commands:")
print("[CustomRP] start - Starts the Discord Rich Presence.")
print("[CustomRP] stop - Stops the Discord Rich Presence.")
print("[CustomRP] mode <all|single> - Sets the mode to either 'all' or 'single'.")
print("[CustomRP] timer <seconds> - Sets the update interval for the presence.")
print("[CustomRP] appid <application_id> - Updates the application ID.")
print("[CustomRP] help - You are here, this is the help command :)")
print("[CustomRP] about - Provides information about this script.")
print("[CustomRP] quit - Exits the script.")

elif command == "about":
print("ThatSINEWAVE's Custom Rich Presence Script")
print("For more information, visit:")
print("Contact info: You can contact me via GitHub")
print("[CustomRP] ThatSINEWAVE's Custom Rich Presence Script")
print("[CustomRP] For more information, visit:")
print("[CustomRP] Contact info: You can contact me via GitHub")

elif command == "start":
if presence_thread is None or not presence_thread.is_alive():
stop_event.clear() # Ensure the stop event is clear before starting
presence_thread = threading.Thread(target=update_presence,
args=(config["application_id"], config["message_sets"], config["timer_interval"]))
print("Discord Rich Presence has started.")
if presence_thread is not None and presence_thread.is_alive():
print("[CustomRP] Stopping the current Rich Presence update.")

stop_event.clear() # Reset the stop event for the new thread

custom_print("[CustomRP] Starting Discord Rich Presence in '{}' mode.".format(mode))
presence_thread = threading.Thread(target=update_presence, args=(
config["application_id"], config["message_sets"], config["timer_interval"], mode))

elif command == "stop":
stop_event.set() # Signal the thread to stop
if presence_thread:
presence_thread.join() # Wait for the thread to finish
if presence_thread is not None:
if presence_thread.is_alive():
presence_thread = None
print("Discord Rich Presence has been stopped. Enter a command:")
# Existing logic for timer and appid commands
elif command.startswith("timer"):
_, new_timer = command.split()
config["timer_interval"] = int(new_timer)
print("[CustomRP] Discord Rich Presence has been stopped.")
print("[CustomRP] Please wait a second for Discord to update.")

elif command_name == "timer":
if len(command_args) == 1:
new_timer = command_args[0]
config["timer_interval"] = int(new_timer)
with open('config.json', 'w') as file:
json.dump(config, file, indent=4)
print(f"Timer interval set to {config['timer_interval']} seconds.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to save configuration: {e}")
except ValueError:
print("Invalid command. Usage: timer <seconds>. A number is required in seconds.")
print(f"[CustomRP] Timer interval set to {config['timer_interval']} seconds.")
except ValueError:
print("[CustomRP] Invalid timer value.")
print("[CustomRP] Please specify an integer number of seconds.")
print("[CustomRP] Invalid command.")
print("[CustomRP] Usage: timer <seconds>.")

elif command_name == "appid":
if len(command_args) == 1:
new_appid = command_args[0]
config["application_id"] = new_appid
with open('config.json', 'w') as file:
json.dump(config, file, indent=4)
print(f"[CustomRP] Application ID updated to {new_appid}.")
print("[CustomRP] Invalid command.")
print("[CustomRP] Usage: appid <NewApplicationID>.")

elif command == "quit":
stop_event.set() # Ensure the thread is signaled to stop
if presence_thread:
presence_thread.join() # Wait for the thread to finish if it's running
print("Exiting script.")
if presence_thread is not None:
if presence_thread.is_alive():
print(f"[CustomRP] Script stopped successfully {animated_countdown(duration=2)}")
print(f"[CustomRP] Thanks for using my script :)")
elif command.startswith("appid"):
_, new_appid = command.split()
config["application_id"] = new_appid
with open('config.json', 'w') as file:
json.dump(config, file, indent=4)
print(f"Application ID updated to {new_appid}.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to save configuration: {e}")
except ValueError:
print("Invalid command. Usage: appid <application_id>. Application ID is required.")
elif command.startswith("mode"):
mode_args = command.split(maxsplit=1)
if len(mode_args) < 2:
print("[CustomRP] Please select a mode: 'all', 'single', or 'multi'.")
print("[CustomRP] Use 'mode all', 'mode single', or type 'mode multi' and enter names of the parts afterwards.")
_, selected_mode = mode_args
if selected_mode == "all" or selected_mode == "single":
mode = selected_mode
print(f"[CustomRP] Mode set to {mode}.")
if mode == "single":
message_name = input("[CustomRP] Enter the name of the part you want to use: ").strip()
selected_sets = [part for part in config["message_sets"] if part.get("name") == message_name]
if selected_sets:
config["message_sets"] = selected_sets
print(f"[CustomRP] Mode set to single, using part: {message_name}")
print("[CustomRP] Specified part not found in config.json.")
elif selected_mode == "multi":
names_input = input("[CustomRP] Enter the names of the parts you want to use, separated by a comma: ").strip()
names = [name.strip() for name in names_input.split(',')]
selected_sets = [part for part in config["message_sets"] if part.get("name") in names]
if selected_sets:
config["message_sets"] = selected_sets
mode = "multi"
print(f"[CustomRP] Mode set to multi, using parts: {', '.join(names)}")
print("[CustomRP] Specified parts not found in config.json.")
elif command.startswith("mode"):
mode_args = command.split(maxsplit=1)
if len(mode_args) < 2:
print("[CustomRP] Please select a mode: 'all', 'single', or 'multi'.")
print("[CustomRP] Use 'mode all', 'mode single', or 'mode multi <NAME_1, NAME_2, ...>'.")
mode_type, *mode_values = mode_args[1].split(maxsplit=1)
if mode_type in ["all", "single"]:
mode = mode_type
print(f"[CustomRP] Mode set to {mode}.")
if mode == "single" and mode_values:
message_name = mode_values[0]
found = any(part.get("name") == message_name for part in config["message_sets"])
if found:
config["message_sets"] = [part for part in config["message_sets"] if
part.get("name") == message_name]
print(f"[CustomRP] Mode set to single, using part: {message_name}")
print("[CustomRP] Specified part not found in config.json.")
elif mode_type == "multi" and mode_values:
names = [name.strip() for name in mode_values[0].split(',')]
selected_sets = [part for part in config["message_sets"] if part.get("name") in names]
if selected_sets:
config["message_sets"] = selected_sets
mode = "multi"
print(f"[CustomRP] Mode set to multi, using parts: {', '.join(names)}")
print("[CustomRP] Specified parts not found in config.json.")
print("[CustomRP] Invalid mode.")
print("[CustomRP] Use 'mode all', 'mode single <NAME>', or 'mode multi <NAME_1, NAME_2, ...>'.")
elif command.startswith("mode"):
mode_args = command.split(maxsplit=1)
if len(mode_args) < 2:
print("[CustomRP] Please select a mode: 'all' or 'single'.")
print("[CustomRP] Use 'mode all' or 'mode single'.")
_, selected_mode = mode_args
if selected_mode in ["all", "single"]:
mode = selected_mode
print("[CustomRP] Mode set to {}.".format(mode))
if mode == "single":
message_name = input("[CustomRP] Enter the name of the part you want to use: ").strip()
for part in config["message_sets"]:
if part.get("name") == message_name:
config["message_sets"] = [part]
print("[CustomRP] Mode set to single, using part: {}".format(message_name))
print("[CustomRP] Specified part not found in config.json.")
print("[CustomRP] Invalid mode.")
print("[CustomRP] Use 'mode all' or 'mode single'.")

print("Unknown command. Type 'help' for a list of commands.")
print("[CustomRP] Unknown command.")
print("[CustomRP] Type 'help' for a list of commands.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Welcome to ThatSINEWAVE's custom rich presence script!")
print("To get started, please type 'help'")
print("[CustomRP] Welcome to ThatSINEWAVE's custom rich presence script!")
print("[CustomRP] To get started, please type 'help'")

while True:
user_input = input("Enter command: ").strip().lower()
user_input = input("[CustomRP] Enter command: ").strip().lower()

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