This project is a base library for uEngine customization applications.
To run a default uEngine5 BPM backend server, build rather than this.
git clone
cd uEngine5-default
mvn spring-boot:run
go to localhost:8080
You need a npm installation on your machine
cd src/main/resources/dev
npm install
npm run dev
go to localhost:8081
To run uEngine5 in MSA, you need to launch all the micro-services one by one:
# run local kafka
docker-compose -f docker-compose-kafka.yml up -d
cd uengine5-eureka
mvn spring-boot:run
cd ../definition-service
mvn package -B -U
java -jar target/uengine-five-definistion-*-exec.jar --server.port=9091
cd ../process-service
mvn package -B -U
javar -jar target/uengine-five-process-*-exec.jar --server.port=9092
cd uengine5-zuul
mvn spring-boot:run
cd ../front-end
npm install
npm run dev
Or, you can use the docker-compose.yml file:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d