GDK로 화면을 갈무리하고 넘파이 늘넣이(배열)로 바꿉니다. Captures screenshots of a window with GDK and converts them to numpy arrays.
동영상 사이사이의 소리를 없앱니다. Mutes multiple sections of a video.
하루에 사진을 얼마나 찍었는지 보여줍니다. Shows how many photos were taken in each day.
두나올(이진법)을 그림으로 보여줍니다. 검정하양(흑백) 막(무작위)그림을 만드는 데 쓸 수도 있습니다. Illustrates how binary works. Can also be used to generate random black-and-white images.
여러 파일을 한벌에 고치고 이름바꿉니다. Bulk rename and/or edit files.
쓰임새 보기(예시):
def eligible(name):
# Example use: move all files in immediate subdirectories to the given root..
return name.count('/') == 1
def process(name):
# ..prefixing the new filename with the subdirectory name.
spl = name.split('/')
return spl[0] + '_' + spl[1]
./iremgari -r /target/dir
traceroute를 돌려서 나온 IP의 땅위자리(좌표)를 kml에 씁니다. Writes geolocations of IPs from traceroute to kml.
무지갯빛 막그림을 만듭니다. Creates beautiful random images.
파일이름을 모두 셀글(숫자)로 바꿉니다. Renames a sequence of files so they all have integers as names.
Sirxegier is a barebones commandline music player script for one specific purpose: shuffle all audio files under a directory, and remember the shuffled order. Written because out of 4 music players I tried, 1 didn't have this functionality, 1 kept hanging after each file and 2 tried to scan my entire home folder without any prompts.
- Shuffle all audio files from one or more directories into one list.
- Play files from that list(using mpv).
- Remember the shuffled order and current track.
- No changes to any directory except the one sirxegier's run in.
Does not feature:
- Playlists.
- Reading or fetching metadata.
- Remembering the current second within a file.
Dependency: mpv in a Path.
May have some encoding issues on Windows.
글 씨 사 이 에 빈 자 리 를 넣 습 니 다 . I n s e r t s s p a c e s b e t w e e n c h a r a c t e r s .
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