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My Nix Configs

Run the following to apply a configuration:

  • For a target System (flakes):
    • sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#<host>
  • For a target User (home-manager)
    • home-manager switch --flake .#<username>@<host>

How to use this project


Deploying config on a new host

From NixOS Installer (disko)

  1. (optional) If git is missing, run a nix-shell with git.
    • nix-shell -p git
  2. Configure your Git username and email.
    • git config --global "<username>"
    • git config --global "<email>"
  3. Git clone this repository and cd into it:
    • git clone && cd nix-config
  4. Wipe the disk where you want to install NixOS with wipefs:
    • wipefs --all /dev/disk/by-id/<diskId>
  5. Apply disko config to your disks (add --dry-run to test config first):
    • sudo nix run github:nix-community/disko --extra-experimental-features "nix-command flakes" -- --mode disko ./hosts/<host>/disko.nix
  6. Copy the repository to /mnt and cd into it:
    • cp -r ../nix-config /mnt/nix-config && cd /mnt/nix-config
  7. Generate a hardware-configuration.nix and copy it to the <host> directory (where disko.nix is):
    • nixos-generate-config --no-filesystems --root /mnt
    • cp /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix ./hosts/<host>/.
  8. Ensure that ./hosts/<host>/default.nix is importing the generated hardware-configuration.nix in the imports section (!).
  9. Stage the hardware-configuration.nix file, so it's visible during the install:
    • git add .
  10. Install the NixOS config for this host:
    • nixos-install --no-root-password --flake .#<host>
  11. Commit the hardware-configuration.nix file and push it to the repo:
    • git checkout -b "install-<host>"
    • git commit -m "hardware-configuration.nix for <host>"
    • git push
    • git push --set-upstream origin "install-<host>"

With deploy-rs

  1. Ensure your target host deployme.cyn.internal has NixOS installed, and has the following additional options defined in its configuration.nix:

       # ...
       # OpenSSH Configuration - will allow SSH access to this machine and allow password auth (temporary!)
       services.openssh = {
          enable = true;
          settings = {
             PermitRootLogin = "no";
             PasswordAuthentication = true;
       # Enable passwordless sudo for the user you're going to be deploying with
       security.sudo.extraRules = [
             users = ["tk"];
             commands = [
                   command = "ALL";
                   options = ["NOPASSWD"];
       # Required for deploy-rs if you want to deploy with normal user part of wheel instead of root
       # NOTE: This assumes that the user tk is already part of this group in via extraGroups
       nix.settings.trusted-users = [ "@wheel" ];
       # ...
  2. Run sudo nixos-rebuild switch to ensure this configuration is applied.

  3. On the machine you want to run deploy-rs from, run ssh-copy-id [email protected] to copy your SSH public key to the target machine.

  4. Run nix run github:serokell/deploy-rs .#deployme to deploy both the system and home configuration to the target host.

With nixos-anywhere / disko

  1. Ensure target host has any linux distribution installed and:
    • has a static IP Address / Hostname
    • OpenSSH is started
    • PermitRootLogin is set to yes
  2. To pass sops secrets, create a temporary directory and insert the secret in the same path which is expected in target host (for example: /home/tk/.config/sops/age/keys.txt)
    • Create Temp: temp=$(mktemp -d)
    • Create Dir: install -d -m755 "$temp/home/tk/.secrets/sops/age"
    • Copy to Temp: cat ~/.config/sops/age/keys.txt > $temp/home/tk/.secrets/sops/age/keys.txt
    • Set perms: chmod 600 "$temp/home/tk/.secrets/sops/age/keys.txt"
  3. Run command to deploy:
    • (without secrets) nix run github:nix-community/nixos-anywhere -- --flake .#default root@<TARGET HOST IP ADDRESS>
    • (with secrets) nix run github:nix-community/nixos-anywhere -- --extra-files "$temp" --flake .#default root@<TARGET HOST IP ADDRESS>
  4. Install home-manager with either:
    • Using Flakes:
      • nix run home-manager/release-23.11 -- init --switch
    • Regular Method:
      • nix-channel --add home-manager
      • nix-channel --update
      • nix-shell '<home-manager>' -A install
        • If this errors out, log out and log back in
  5. Apply a home-manager configuration:
    • home-manager switch --flake .#tk-linux
  6. Clean up temporary secrets:
    • rm -rf "$temp"

NOTE: If deploying from a Mac, add --build-on-remote.

Manual Deployment

  1. Install NixOS
  2. Enable Flakes and enter a shell with git installed:
    • export NIX_CONFIG="experimental-features = nix-command flakes"
    • nix shell nixpkgs#git
  3. Clone this repository and cd into it:
    • git clone && cd nix-config
  4. Overwrite hardware configuration:
    • sudo cp /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix ./nixos/hardware-configuration.nix
  5. ???
  6. Apply a NixOS configuration:
    • sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#default
  7. Install home-manager:
    • nix-channel --add home-manager
    • nix-channel --update
    • nix-shell '<home-manager>' -A install
      • If this errors out, log out and log back in
  8. Apply a home-manager configuration:
    • home-manager switch --flake .#tk-linux


To update a system:

  • nix flake update - update the flake lockfile
  • sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .# - apply system update
  • home-manager switch --flake .#<username>@<host> - apply home-manager update ( needs to be applied for every user )

To check the diffs (or what has been updated) in a particular update, use the nvd tool:

  • ls /nix/var/nix/profiles/ - list profiles
  • nvd diff /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-{9,10}-link - show diff between profiles 9 and 10



To roll back to a previous nixos configuration:

  • nixos-rebuild list-generations - list available generations

    Generation  Build-date           NixOS version           Kernel  Configuration Revision  Specialisation
    23 current  2024-05-22 06:58:51  23.11.20240520.a8695cb  6.8.10                          *
    22          2024-05-18 23:36:35  23.11.20240328.219951b  6.7.10                          *
    • sudo nix-env --list-generations --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system - this also works
  • sudo nixos-rebuild swtich --rollback - rollback to the previous generation

  • sudo nix-env --switch-generation xx --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system - rollback to a specific generation


To roll back to a previous home-manager configuration:

  • home-manager generations - list the generations

    2023-12-19 10:27 : id 35 -> /nix/store/2n2qwzd4nv96awfxhiq559b8qd1fy64i-home-manager-generation
    2023-12-19 10:21 : id 34 -> /nix/store/36bl4f7144mc51gjfnn0fh91rhxcclmm-home-manager-generation
    2023-12-19 10:09 : id 33 -> /nix/store/7jfwsq7whhcz3bwcbd0shn84k2b9hm4p-home-manager-generation
    2023-12-19 09:52 : id 32 -> /nix/store/kabsk7zj24jzgx759qzsbrfpgzaam2jn-home-manager-generation
  • /nix/store/xxxxxxxxxx-home-manager-generation/activate - activate a previous generation


My Nix Configs






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