spJsom is a library that simplies usage of the SharePoint Client Side Object Model (JavaScript/JSOM). Using a fluent API, the library allows chaining multiple commands together with conditions and progress monitoring. Goals of this library are:
- Simply using the CSOM
- Avoid nesting promises
- Reduce boiler plate code
- Provide an easy to read syntax
- Speed up development
This solution can be used in TypeScript or plain JavaScript projects.
Repository: https://github.com/TjWheeler/spJsomFluent
In this example we are get getting the current user profile properties. All the difficulty behind loading the correct scripts and calling the PeopleManager are handled for you.
var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
new spJsom.Fluent()
.fail(function(sender, args) {
.done(function(results) {
console.log("Your profile properties", results[0].result[0]);
For more examples, including more complex scenarios with multiple commands, see TypeScript examples
Coming soon!
jQuery must be loaded as the library uses jQuery Promises.
npm i spjsomfluent --save
import * as spJsom from "spjsomfluent"
npm install
npm run debug
npm run release
npm run dev
- Clone the repository and copy the sampleApp folder to your own location.
git clone https://github.com/TjWheeler/spJsomFluent
- run
npm install
from the sampleApp folder you copied using a Node Shell - run
npm run debug
to build the sample app. (The development commands listed above are valid for this app too.) - Upload the resulting .js and .js.map to SharePoint or use Fiddlers autoresponder to a location of your chosing. eg; /style library/myApp
- Add a script reference in a Script Editor web part:
<script src="https://yoursharepoint.sharepoint.com/sites/yoursite/style library/myApp/myApp.js"></script>
- Modify the app as needed (use
npm run dev
to watch the file updates you make and immediately rebuild)
Note: The default sample app is designed to create a List called MyList1 and a single list item.
Once the script is loaded, it will execute as soon as SP.js is loaded.
To monitor activity there are 2 events you can wire up to. These are:
- onExecuting(commandName, step, totalSteps)
- onExecuted(commandName, success, results)
To show progress, this method will give you the details you need.
.onActionExecuting((actionName:string, current:number, total:number) => {
let progress = Math.ceil(100 * current / total);
console.log(`Executing: ${actionName}, we are ${progress}% through.`);
.onActionExecuted((actionName:string, success:boolean, results: Array<any>) => {
console.log(`Executed: ${actionName}:${success}`);
if (!success) {
console.error(actionName, results);
You can supply your own predicate and do additional work against the result of the previous step.
The current context will apply any changes made after the method has executed.
For example:
.listItem.get(context.get_web(), "MyList", 1) //get a list item
.update(function(listItem) { //listitem is passed in from previous step.
item.set_item("Title", title);
The result of the previous step is passed into the update method.
These commands .whenTrue() and .whenFalse() are a conditional check. They take the value from the previous step then compare it with True/False to determine if execution of the chain should continue. For example:
.permission.hasWebPermission(SP.PermissionKind.createSSCSite, context.get_web())
.whenTrue() //stops executing the chain if the user doesn't have permission
Note that the when commands do not reject a promise even when their condition is not met. The chain of execution simply stops at that point.
You can supply your own predicate to determine if execution of the chain should continue.
For example:
.listItem.get(context.get_web(), "MyList", 1)
.when(function(listItem) {
if(listItem.get_item("Title") === "My Title") {
return true; //the chain execution will continue
return false; //the chain execution will stop
The result of the previous step is passed into the when predicate allowing you the opportunity to evaluate the result and continue or stop.
Similar to when, but instead of the previous steps result being passed in, an array with all previous steps are passed to the predicate.
.listItem.get(context.get_web(), "MyList", 1)
.whenAll(function(results) {
var listItem = results[0];
if(listItem.get_item("Title") === "My Title") {
return true; //the chain execution will continue
return false; //the chain execution will stop
Fluent API spJsom.file
Command | Result | Description | Example |
get(serverRelativeUrl: string) | SP.File | Get a file from a document library | get(_spPageContextInfo.siteServerRelativeUrl + "/documents/doc.docx") |
getListItem(serverRelativeUrl: string) | SP.ListItem | Get the list item for the file | getListItem(_spPageContextInfo.siteServerRelativeUrl + "/documents/doc.docx") |
checkIn(web: SP.Web, serverRelativeUrl: string, comment: string, checkInType: SP.CheckinType) | SP.File | Check in a file | checkIn(SP.ClientContext.get_current().get_web(), _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl + '/pages/mypage.aspx', "Checked in by spJsomFluent", SP.CheckinType.majorCheckIn) |
Fluent API spJsom.list
Command | Result | Description | Example |
create(web: SP.Web, listName: string, templateId: number) | SP.List | Create new list | create(context.get_web(), "My Task List", 107) |
exists(web: SP.Web, listName: string) | boolean | Check if the list exists | exists(context.get_web(), "My List") |
delete(web: SP.Web, listName: string) | void | Delete a list | delete(context.get_web(), "My List") |
get(web: SP.Web, listName: string) | SP.List | Get a list | get(context.get_web(), "My List") |
addContentTypeListAssociation(web: SP.Web, listName: string, contentTypeName: string) | SP.ContentType | Adds a Content Type to a List. Resolves the new associated list content type. | addContentTypeListAssociation(context.get_web(), "My List", "My Content Type Name") |
removeContentTypeListAssociation(web: SP.Web, listName: string, contentTypeName: string) | void | Removes a Content Type associated from a list. | removeContentTypeListAssociation(context.get_web(), "My List", "My Content Type Name") |
setDefaultValueOnList(web: SP.Web, listName: string, fieldInternalName: string, defaultValue: any) | void | Sets a default value on a field in a list | setDefaultValueOnList(context.get_web(), "My Task List", "ClientId", 123) |
setAlerts(web: SP.Web, listName: string, enabled: boolean) | void | Enable email alerts on a list. Note: will not work for 2010/2013. | setAlerts(context.get_web(), "My Task List", true) |
Fluent API spJsom.listItem
Command | Result | Description | Example |
update(listItem: SP.ListItem, properties: any) | SP.ListItem | Update a list item with properties | update(listItem, { 'Title': 'Title value here', ClientId: 123 }) |
createWithContentType(web: SP.Web, listName: string, contentTypeName: string, properties: any) | SP.ListItem | Create a list item, specifying the Content Type | createWithContentType(context.get_web(), "My list", "My Content Type Name", { 'Title': 'Title value here', ClientId: 123 }) |
create(web:SP.Web, listName: string, properties: any) | SP.ListItem | Create a list item with properties | update(listItem, { 'Title': 'Title value here', ClientId: 123 }) |
get(web: SP.Web, listName: string, id: number, viewFields: Array = null) | SP.ListItem | Get the listitem using the ID with optional view fields | get(context.get_web(), "MyList", 1, ["ID", "Title"]) |
getFileListItem(serverRelativeUrl: string, viewFields: Array = null) | SP.ListItem | Get the listitem for a File using the ID with optional view fields | getFileListItem("/sites/site/documents/mydoc.docx", ["ID", "Title", "FileLeafRef"]) |
deleteById(web: SP.Web, listName: string, id: number) | void | Delete List Item | deleteById(context.get_web(), "MyList", 7) |
query(web: SP.Web, listName: string, viewXml: string) | SP.ListItemCollection | Execute a query using supplied CAML. | query(context.get_web(), "MyList", "12") |
Fluent API spJsom.navigation
Command | Result | Description | Example |
createNode(web: SP.Web, location: NavigationLocation, title: string, url: string, asLastNode: boolean = true) | SP.NavigationNode | Create new navigation node | createNode(context.get_web(), NavigationLocation.Quicklaunch, "Test Node", "/sites/mysite/pages/default.aspx") |
deleteAllNodes(web: SP.Web, location: NavigationLocation) | void | Delete all navigation nodes for the web | deleteAllNodes(context.get_web(), NavigationLocation.Quicklaunch) |
deleteNode(web: SP.Web, location: NavigationLocation, title:string ) | void | Delete all navigation nodes that match the supplied title for the web | deleteNode(context.get_web(), NavigationLocation.Quicklaunch, "My link title") |
setCurrentNavigation(web: SP.Web, type: NavigationType, showSubsites: boolean = false, showPages:boolean = false) | void | Set navigation for the web | setCurrentNavigation(context.get_web(), 3, true, true) |
Note: Taxonomy based navigation is not currently supported
Fluent API spJsom.permission
Command | Result | Description | Example |
hasWebPermission(permission: SP.PermissionKind, web: SP.Web) | boolean | Check if the current user has specified Web permission | hasWebPermission(SP.PermissionKind.createSSCSite, context.get_web()) |
hasListPermission(permission: SP.PermissionKind, list: SP.List) | boolean | Check if the current user has specified List permission | hasListPermission(SP.PermissionKind.addListItems, context.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle("MyList")) |
hasItemPermission(permission: SP.PermissionKind, item: SP.ListItem) | boolean | Check if the current user has specified ListItem permission | hasItemPermission(SP.PermissionKind.editListItems, context.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle("MyList").getItemById(0)) |
Fluent API spJsom.web
Fluent API spJsom.publishingPage
Command | Result | Description | Example |
create(web: SP.Web, name: string, layoutUrl: string) | SP.Publishing.PublishingPage | Creates a new publishing page. | .publishingPage.create(SP.ClientContext.GetCurrent().get_web(), "Home.aspx", _spPageContextInfo.siteServerRelativeUrl + "/_catalogs/masterpage/BlankWebPartPage.aspx") |
getLayout(serverRelativeUrl:string) | SP.ListItem | Gets a page layout |
Fluent API spJsom.user
Command | Result | Description | Example |
get(emailOrAccountName:string) | SP.User | Get User by email or account name | get("[email protected]") |
getById(id: number) | SP.User | Get a user by their Id | getById(15) |
getCurrentUser() | SP.User | Get the current user | getCurrentUser() |
getCurrentUserProfileProperties() | SP.UserProfiles.PersonProperties | Get the profile properties for the current user | getCurrentUserProfileProperties() |
getCurrentUserManager() | SP.USer | Get the manager for the current user | getCurrentUserManager() |
Command | Result | Description | Example |
setWelcomePage(web: SP.Web, url: string) | SP.Folder | Set the web welcome page. The url should be relative to the root folder of the web. | setWelcomePage(context.get_web(), "pages/default.aspx") |
create(name: string, parentWeb: SP.Web, title: string, template: string, useSamePermissionsAsParent: boolean = true) | SP.Web | Create a new sub web. | create("SubWebName", SP.ClientContext.get_current().get_rootWeb(), "My Web Title", "CMSPUBLISHING#0") |
exists(url: string) | boolean | Check if a web exists | exists("/sites/myweb/mysubweb") |
getWebs(fromWeb: SP.Web) | Array<SP.Web> | Get and load all webs starting from a web and its children | getWebs(SP.ClientContext.get_current().get_rootWeb())) |
Note: for template ids check out: See: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/praveenh/2010/10/21/sharepoint-templates-and-their-ids/