SDL2 plugin for Vrep v1.0
Implementation of the following SDL functions:
General functions:
bool init_sdl(bool USE_HAPTIC);
bool quit_sdl();
bool refresh();
bool isPressed(int button);
int numButtons();
int hatPosition();
Haptic functions:
bool createDirectionalEffect(int dir_deg, int level);
bool createGroovesEffect(int dir_deg, int level, int length);
bool createRumbleEffect();
bool playRumbleEffect(int strength, int duration);
bool updateDirEffect(int dir_deg, int level);
bool updateGroovesEffect(int dir_deg, int level, int length);
bool playDirEffect();
bool playGroovesEffect();
bool destroyDirEffect();
bool destroyGroovesEffect();
bool stopDirEffect();
bool stopGroovesEffect();
Note: it is important to keep track of the effect state and not to start it every simulation loop in a non-threaded childscript (see example scene)
Easy to extend and supposed to be cross-platfrom.
It is imporant to have link SDL2 and put SDL.dll into VRep folder.
Agenda: implement the possibility to choose a device index