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Tom Lonergan edited this page May 16, 2023 · 2 revisions

Example program

A program to add 2 values and store in a third register.

Hex representation

9 3 F 5 # set r3 to 245 9 4 1 E A 4 1 9 # set r4 to 6430 / 0x191E 0 5 3 4 # set r5 to r3 + r4

Binary representation

1011 0011 1111 0101 # set r3 to 245 1011 0100 0001 1001 1100 0100 0001 1110 # set r4 to 6430 / 0x191E 0000 0101 0011 0100 # set r5 to r3 + r4

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