this is a collection of my often used functions
- common: Common functions used in modules and implementations
- pwlib:
- password generation,
- password storing and handling with RSA, Openssl, GoPass, Amazon KMS and Hashicorp Vault
- totp generation
- scram(e.g.for postgresql) and ssha(e.g for LDAP userPassword) hashing
- tools: collection of often used tools as build loader
- dblib: db related functions, esp. for oracle and tns handling
- maillib: function to send Mails
- ldaplib: base ldap functions
- hmlib: handle access to homematic devices using XMLAPI-Addon
- netlib: IP/DNS related funtions
- symcon: access to Symcon Json Api
for usage see the provided test cases and the implemenations as is:
see godoc