Trady is a cutting-edge application designed to revolutionize stock market analysis by harnessing the power of OpenAI Vision. This intelligent tool is specifically crafted for investors, traders, and financial enthusiasts seeking a deep dive into the technical aspects of stock charts. By seamlessly integrating OpenAI Vision, the application transforms static stock chart screenshots into dynamic insights, providing users with a comprehensive analysis of technical indicators.
- OpenAI Vision Integration Implemented a function that takes a stock chart image as input, sends it to the OpenAI Vision API, and receives the analysis results.
- User Authentication (Zerodha) Implemented a user authentication flow using Zerodha's OAuth process. This involves redirecting users to the Zerodha login page, obtaining consent, and receiving an authorization code.
- Buy/Sell API Integration (Zerodha)
Uses Zerodha's Kite Connect API to place buy and sell orders.