🌄 Get Horizon profile based on topography from a (latitude, longitude) point.
🙌🏻 This module is heavily based on node-hgt.
npm install sun-horizon
✅ Call init() function before any other operations.
🗄 sun-horizon uses a cache directory of HGT files (default sun-horizon-data/
💻 This module supports javascript or typescirpt.
const sunHorizon = require('sun-horizon');
const horizon = await sunHorizon.getHorizon({"lat": 45, "lng": 5});
import { getHorizon, init } from 'sun-horizon';
const horizon = await getHorizon({lat: 45, lng: 5});
lat: number;
lng: number;
azimuthOptions?: AzimuthOptions;
highestPointOptions?: HighestPointOptions;
contourOptions? ContourOptions;
azimuthStart?: number; // degree, 0 is North, 90 East
azimuthEnd?: number; // degree
azimuthTick?: number; // degree
distanceMax?: number; // meter
distanceTick?: number; // meter
// If the ratio of the distance between a hill top and the next visible
// hilltop is less than this factor, it will be recorded as a contour line.
// A sensible value is 0.75.
hillTopFactor?: number;
azimuth: number; // degree
angle: number; // degree, 0 is same elevation as origin
altitude: number; // meter
latLng?: LatLng;
origin: LatLng;
elevationProfile: HorizonPoint[];
bytes: number;
files: number;
init(cacheDirectory?: string): void
Initialize module and create the required cache directory (default is sun-horizon-data/
) + populate with a .gitignore
getHorizon(origin: LatLng, options?: HorizonOptions): Promise<Horizon>
const grenoble: LatLng = {
lat: 45.185739,
lng: 5.736236
const horizon = await getHorizon(grenoble);
console.log(horizon.elevationProfile.map(point => point.altitude));
highestPointInAzimuth(origin: LatLng, azimuth: number, options?: HighestPointOptions): Promise<HorizonPoint>
const origin: LatLng = {
lat: 45.185739,
lng: 5.736236
const azimuth = 90; // East
const point = await highestPointInAzimuth(origin, azimuth);
getAltitude(latLng: LatLng): Promise<number>
const origin: LatLng = {
lat: 45.185739,
lng: 5.736236
const altitude = await getAltitude(origin); // in meter
Return number of files and total size in bytes
. (See CacheData)
getCacheData(): Promise<CacheData>
const cache = await getCacheData();
Delete all .hgt cache files and return number of deleted files.
cleanCache(): Promise<number>
const deletedFiles = await cleanCache();