- Setup RobotFramework on OSX
- Run First Testcases using robotframework
- Selenium2Library
- chromedriver
- Browser - Chrome
- Open Google.com
- Search for Devops
- Verify the results.
- Set proxy on your Mac(Step1 - conditional to my case)
- Install brew
- brew install node
- Check node version : node -v and npm -v
- Python Version - brew install python@2
- Install pip : sudo easy_install pip
- Install robotframework : pip install robotframework -g
- Install Selenium Library : pip install robotframework-Selenium2Library —user
- Install Cask : brew tap homebrew/cask - To install large files
- Install Chromedriver : brew cask install chromedriver
- Pycharm SetUp : http://softwaretester.info/pycharm-and-robot-framework/
robot -d results test.robot
- d results : Create a folder name result and store all the result inside same
- test.robot : file name of test cases
- Install Homebrew
- Install node - Brew install node
- Check the node version node—v, nom —v
- Install appium server : npm install -g appium
- Install wd: What is wd ? : WebDriver protocol and node exposing the functionality : npm install wd : npm --proxy (proxy address )install wd
- Install appium doctor : npm install -g nappium-doctor
- Appium desktop client : Appium.io
- Install jdk
- Install carthage : npm install carthage
- Set $ANDROID_HOME and $JAVA_HOME as path variable
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/Shared/Android/sdk
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
- pip install — upgrade robotframework-androidlibrary
- pip install robotframework-appiumlibrary