If you would like to use the project in your local machine, please follow the instructions below:
git clone https://github.com/Turing-Pahlka-Posse/food4all.git
cd food4all
bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
To access the api's endpoints described in the end of this readme, please run:
rails server
Then in your preferred browse please visit:
http://localhost:3000 plus the preferred API endpoint.
If you prefer to access the live production link please visit https://food.caak.network and complete it with the desired API endpoint.
As this application is currently in production, please be aware that if something is not merged to the master branch, it may not be fully working. If you would like to view the front-end of the app in the works, please cd food4all
and run the instructions you will find the in README located in that folder. The back end rails API app simply provides access to the data for the front-end page.
Goals: Create an interactive map of food stores in Denver and the assets in communities that could be activated for food distribution particularly in the summer time for youth.
- B.E.: create restful API from this data
- F.E.: create Map Interface using google map
- Create a comp - Juan killing it!
- Add google for map information API (Sam will guide us!)
- find data for community assets
- build out endpoints : all stores, search by store type, zip-code (sliding radius), healthy corner store initiative, name of store
returns a list of all store types
returns all stores matching that store type
- store types: ["dollar store", "small grocery store", "convenience store", "convenience store with gas", "specialty food store", "closed specialty food store", "supermarket", "pharmacy", "closed small grocery store", "superette", "closed convenience store", "discount merchandise market", "supercenter", "warehouse club store", "closed supermarket"] ojo: type with spaces in url in browser not sure in fetch calls.