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Tzahi12345 edited this page Jan 9, 2021 · 2 revisions


Categories are a way to categorize your videos based on a set of rules. These can be ANDed or ORed, meaning you can customize the rules to your liking.

What can they do?

Right now, not a ton of features exist for categories, but it's something that will be built upon in the future. There are two features implement currently which may make it worthwhile:

  • Custom file output
    • Your categorized videos may be placed in any folder in your filesystem, so absolute paths are possible here -- and it supports youtube-dl's file output features allowing you to customize the file name to your choosing for that specific category
  • Automatic playlists
    • If one or multiple videos exist in a category, it gets automatically created into a playlist which will show up on your home screen


For example, if you want a "tech" category, you can have the following ruleset:

And let's say you want a custom file output for these videos, you can make it videos/tech/%(title)s, meaning all those videos will end up in a folder called tech in your videos folder.


  • Categories are not currently implement for subscriptions
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