OS Changes
- Argparse python module added properly (was added by hand previously)
- Device Tree changes incorporated for GPIO used to interface with the CERN IPMC card for temperature monitoring
- Temperature monitoring script runs on boot of the board and collects temperature information which is summarized and sent to the GPIO where the IPMC firmware can access it.
OS Files
OS Build Record
Poky: c83e52cef05db827d526fd62439718fb88931379
openembedded-core: 3638cb32ba9ba32b4d498fc31ab7fdf82f0d2495
meta-xilinx: 7935ef724cd7359ed97e6ae3d90ebc8f07dd7e1f
meta-openembedded: eae996301d9c097bcbeb8046f08041dc82bb62f8
Please refer to the gFEX-v4-v1.0 release for instructions on how to update the OS.