- 1. What is UNIX?
- 2. History of UNIX?
- 3. UNIX Architecture
- 4. Why use UNIX?
- 5. UNIX File system
- 6. Basic commands
- 7. process
- 8. Jobs
- 9. Packages
- 10. cut
- sort
- unique
- permissions
- head/tail
- vim text manipulation
Unix is on of the first widely-used operating systems.
Is the basis for many modern Operating systems.
Helped set a standard for the multi-tasking multi-user systems
1969 Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie start working on a file system, and name their system UNICS, which is later changed to UNIX.
1973 Thompson and Ritchie rewrote UNIX in C (while most of the operating systems at that time were written in assembly)
1991 Linux, GNU, and others: similar to UNIX, but their source code rewritten, very popular and widespread, free. (Many Linux Distributions: Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, ...)
The part manages and controls the machine and takes care of scheduling of various computer Programs
A command interpreter that looks after the communication between the user and the system.
various utility Programs which performs a number of tasks (editing a file, sorting numbers or drawing a plot, .....)
Allows you to accomplish and automate complicated tasks that would usually require huge manual labor.
A rich set of small commands and utilities that can be combined in unlimited ways to perform complex custom tasks.
It is fun!
Not limited to pre-configured combinations or menus, as in personal computer systems.
Extremely useful computer skill that will be relevant many years from now.
the unix file system consists of one single global root directory that encapsulates everything of the machine. no matter how many disks or volumes are there.
Files and directories names are case sensitive.
The way to separate directories is with a forward slash "/".
Root : Main & parent Directory
/home: contains all the users and the user data and files
/dev : Access to hardware devices
/lib : Stores the libraries
/mnt : is used to mount disk drives
/usr : user installed Programs and files
/etc : system Settings
Command [opt1] [opt2]
print working directory (pwd):
Prints the full path of the current directory
Very handy when you get lost in the directories jungle
A useful variable for the strings
list (ls) [flags] <file> :
Lists the content of the current directory.
' - l ' => List a detailed file/folder information.
' - lh ' => List a detailed file/folder information.
' - a ' => list hidden files.
' - ls ' => sort files by size.
change directory (cd) <directory name>:
goes from the current directory to the specified one.
defaults to the home directory if not given a destination.
can take both absolute or relative paths.
relative: the location of a file or a folder that beginning at the current directory.
cd csc1101
absolute: the location of a file or a folder starting at (home directory)
cd /home/user1/csc1101
' ~ ' => Current user's home directory.
' . ' => The current directory.
' .. ' => The parent of the current directory.
' - ' => The previous directory.
Make a file (touch) [flag] <file>:
- creates a new file with the name
- Adjusts the timestamp of
Make Directory (mkdir) [flags] <directory> :
makes a new directory with the name
can use relative and absolute paths to make directories outside the current directory.
' - p ' => creates parent folders as well.
Remove File (rm) [flags] <file>
- removes the file called
- Using wildcards you can remove multiple files.
' - i ' => prompt before removal.
' - f ' => force remove.
' - r ' => recursively remove all files in a directory.
Remove Directory (rmdir) [flags] <directory>
- removes an empty directory <directory>.
- Throws error if the directory is not empty.
' - p ' => removes folder and its ancestors.
Copy (cp) [flags] <file> <destination>
copies from location to <destination>
to copy multiple files you can use wildcards (such as * )
Move (mv) [flags] <file> <destination>
Moves a file or directory from one place to another
Also used for renaming, just move from <oldname> to <newname>
File type (file) <file>
- will show you a description of the file’s contents.
Find File (find) <starting point> <type> <name>
- looks through any sub-directory to find a file
Locate File (locate) [flag] <name>
- similar to find
- no need to specify a starting directory (it searches the system)
' - n ' => limit the result to 20 entries.
' - c ' => count the number of results.
current user (whoami)
- prints the name of the current user.
- used to locate the executable file associated with the given command.
An instance of a running program.
More specific than a program
Each process is given a unique id (PID)
process screenshot (ps) [flags]
- Reports a snapshot of the current running processes, including PIDs
- Lists the processes created by the user in the current terminal
' - e ' => every process currently running.
' - u user' => processes created by this user.
Quick switching back and forth between processes makes it seem as though they are all running simultaneously.
Each process has a priority that can be set and changed by the user.
priorities range from -20(highest) to 19(lowest), if process is started with out a priority defaults to 0
nice process (nice) [flags] <command>
starts a process with the set priority.
if priority is not set default is 10
only root user can set priority below 0
' - n ' => priority.
renice process (renice) [flags] <PID>
changes the priority of a running process.
can change the processes created by this user only
only root user can set priority below 0
' - n ' => priority.
kill process (kill) <PID>
- Kills the process with this ID.
kill all processes (killall) [flag] <Process name>
- Kills all the processes of the current program.
' - TERM ' => Terminates execution (default).
' - HUP ' => Hang-up (restarts the program).
' - KILL ' => Like bleach, can kill anything.
- running processes (top)
- All in one stop for process management
' h ' => Help menu. ' Z ' => Set colors. ' k/K ' => Kill a Process. ' r ' => renice.
Check jobs (jobs)
Prints the current jobs with details and job id.
resume job (bg) <ID>
- Restart a stopped background process.
foreground (fg) <ID>
- Bring a background process to the foreground.
kill job (kill) %<ID>
- kills the job with the given id.
compress file (gzip) <file>
- can compress a single file.
- doesn't create a new compressed file
- compresses the file into a ".gz" archive.
decompress file (gunzip) <file>
- decompresses the file.
compress file (tar) cvf <file name> <source file>
compress as full directories.
creates a new copy that is compressed.
compresses the file into a ".tar" archive.
"c" => create
"v" => verbose / show progress
"f" => file name
decompress file (tar) xvf <file>
decompresses the file.
"x" => extract
"v" => verbose / show progress
"f" => file name
Debian package management (apt) [option]
- manages the packages on the device.
- "install" => installs a package
- "remove" => removes a package
- "show" => shows the details of a package
- Cut on delimiter__(cut) [flag] __
returns parth of the text.
- "c" => returns character
- "f" => returns a field
- "d" => change the delimiter to break on