Welcome to the Digit Recognition System, a Django-based web application crafted to recognize handwritten digits with precision and efficiency. This innovative application bridges the gap between machine learning and user interactivity, allowing seamless digit recognition through a custom neural network model integrated into an interactive web interface.
The Digit Recognition System is designed to recognize and predict handwritten digits in real-time. Users can draw digits on an interactive canvas, which the system processes using a custom-trained neural network built from scratch. This project demonstrates the integration of model training, prediction, and deployment, providing a seamless user experience powered by the MNIST dataset and Django framework. It also showcases the potential of machine learning in interactive applications.
- Implemented and trained from scratch using backpropagation with gradient descent.
- Built on the MNIST dataset, which consists of grayscale 28x28 images of handwritten digits.
- Interactive web interface allowing users to draw digits for immediate prediction.
- The system predicts drawn digits as soon as the user finishes drawing, providing instant feedback.
- Uses the trained neural network for inference directly in the web application.
- Visualize the neurons and their connections in the neural network.
git clone https://github.com/USMAN-FAIZYAB-KHAN/Digit-Recognition.git
cd Digit-Recognition
Ensure Python and pip are installed. Then, install the required dependencies using pip:
pip install django numpy tensorflow
If you'd like to retrain the model with updated settings or hyperparameters:
python neural_network.py
The model will be trained using the MNIST dataset, and a saved pickle file (digit_recognition_model.pkl
) will be generated for recognition. This pickle file stores the model's weights and biases, allowing for easy loading and use in predictions.
Start the Django development server:
python manage.py runserver
Once the server is running, open your web browser and navigate to:
The Digit Recognition System employs a custom neural network with the following components:
- Input Layer (784 neurons): Processes 28x28 pixel images flattened into 784 values.
- Hidden Layer (250 neurons): Extracts features using the sigmoid activation function.
- Output Layer (10 neurons): Predicts digits 0–9.
- Sigmoid Function: Enables non-linearity and gradient calculation for backpropagation.
- Weight Initialization: Randomized within [-0.5, 0.5] to prevent symmetry issues.
- Training: Combines forward propagation, backpropagation, and gradient descent to minimize classification error. Stops when the average error per epoch drops below a certain threshold.
- Training results show a rapidly decreasing error, stabilizing as the model optimizes for accurate digit recognition.
Draw the Digit:
- Use the interactive canvas on the application’s main page to draw any digit between 0–9.
Submit for Prediction:
- Click the "Predict" button after completing your drawing.
View Results:
- The system will process your input and display the predicted digit.
Clear and Retry:
- Use the "Clear" button to erase the canvas and draw a new digit for prediction.
The project relies on the following dependencies:
- Django: Web framework for the backend.
- NumPy: For numerical processing.
- TensorFlow: Used only for the MNIST dataset, not for a pre-trained model.
- Pickle: Built-in python library for saving and loading the model.
Enjoy exploring the Digit Recognition System! Contributions and feedback are welcome. 😊