Spectrum is a storydriven, exploration-focused magic mod focusing on the natural energies that flow in the world, represented in color.
Spectrum is progression based and tries to not give everything away at first glance. Every step in your journey through the mod will be hinted at via advancements and the ingame guidebook that you will be gifted as soon as you start the mod.
There is no hand-holding, so everything will require a fair bit of experimentation or exploration. That also means may not be the best fit for every play style. Everyone plays Minecraft differently and that is perfectly OK!
Find your first gemstone geode to get started! Everything else is hinted at via advancements and the guidebook gifted to you. You can find all details that you need to know in Spectrums Guidebook that is given to you the first time you find gemstone shards.
Spectrum is not meant to be rushed. It is best played alongside your playthrough.
You will find a lot of helpful people on Spectrums Discord. There always are friendly and helpful people around. Swing around too, if you like! :)
- RoughlyEnoughItems: Integration for all of Spectrum's recipe types
- Enchantment Descriptions: Descriptions for all of Spectrum's enchantments
- Colored Lights: Colored Lights support for all of Spectrum's light sources