Open up a Terminal (macOS/Linux) or PowerShell (Windows) and enter the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/underdoge/music-ds
cd music-ds
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
streamlit run app.py
A hosted version of the app can be found on Streamlit here.
- Python 3.11 or greater
- Git (to clone the repo)
- My Winamp music library's Media Library Export - can be found under data/music_library_export.xml
- My Last.fm account's scrobbles (time series of when each song was played) extracted from here - can be found under data/lastfm-scrobbles-edchapa.csv
- GTZAN Dataset - Music Genre Classification from Kaggle.
At the moment, there's a bug while loading h5 keras models on Windows created on macOS/Linux. You may encounter this bug when running the Streamlit app directly on Windows right after cloning the repo if you don't run the Jupyter Notekbook first. The workaround is to run the Streamlit app from Windows Subsystem for Linux, or running the Jupyter Notebook on Windows first (which will create new model files that don't have the issue on Windows) before running the Streamlit app.