This PHP API client library provides integration with the UpCloud API allowing operations used to manage resources on UpCloud. The client is a web service interface that uses HTTPS to connect to the API. The API follows the principles of a RESTful web service wherever possible.
The base URL for all API operations is and require basic authentication using UpCloud username and password. We recommend creating a subaccount dedicated for the API communication for security purposes. This allows you to restrict API access by servers, storages, and tags ensuring you will never accidentally affect critical systems.
NOTE: Please test all of your use cases thoroughly before actual production use. Using a separate UpCloud account for testing / developing the client is recommended.
Using this library requires the PHP version 8.0 and later.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"require": {
"upcloudltd/upcloud-php-api": "v2.0.0"
Then run composer install
The upcloudltd/upcloud-php-api can be found from,
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following (NOTE: In real production applications you should use for example ENV variables instead of inserting credentials directly to code and to version control):
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$api_instance = new Upcloud\ApiClient\Upcloud\AccountApi();
$config = $api_instance->getConfig();
$config->setUsername('YOUR UPCLOUD USERNAME');
$config->setPassword('YOUR UPCLOUD PASSWORD');
try {
$result = $api_instance->getAccount();
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AccountApi->getAccount: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
To create a server:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$api_instance = new Upcloud\ApiClient\Upcloud\AccountApi();
$config = $api_instance->getConfig();
$config->setUsername('YOUR UPCLOUD USERNAME');
$config->setPassword('YOUR UPCLOUD PASSWORD');
try {
$result = $api_instance->getAccount();
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AccountApi->getAccount: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$server = new Upcloud\ApiClient\Model\Server();
$storage = new Upcloud\ApiClient\Model\StorageDevice();
$storage_devices = new Upcloud\ApiClient\Model\ServerStorageDevices();
$server_request = new Upcloud\ApiClient\Model\CreateServerRequest();
$api_instance = new Upcloud\ApiClient\Upcloud\ServerApi();
try {
$result = $api_instance->createServer($server_request);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling ServerApi->createServer: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountApi | getAccount | GET /account | Account information |
FirewallApi | createFirewallRule | POST /server/{serverId}/firewall_rule | Create firewall rule |
FirewallApi | deleteFirewallRule | DELETE /server/{serverId}/firewall_rule/{firewallRuleNumber} | Remove firewall rule |
FirewallApi | getFirewallRule | GET /server/{serverId}/firewall_rule/{firewallRuleNumber} | Get firewall rule details |
FirewallApi | serverServerIdFirewallRuleGet | GET /server/{serverId}/firewall_rule | List firewall rules |
IPAddressApi | addIp | POST /ip_address | Assign IP address |
IPAddressApi | deleteIp | DELETE /ip_address/{ip} | Release IP address |
IPAddressApi | getDetails | GET /ip_address/{ip} | Get IP address details |
IPAddressApi | listIps | GET /ip_address | List IP addresses |
IPAddressApi | modifyIp | PUT /ip_address/{ip} | Modify IP address |
NetworkApi | getListNetworks | GET /network | List all Networks |
NetworkApi | getNetworkDetails | GET /network/{uuid} | Get Network details |
NetworkApi | createNetwork | POST /network | Create a new SDN private network |
NetworkApi | modifyNetwork | PUT /network/{id} | Modify a specific SDN private network |
NetworkApi | deleteNetwork | DELETE /network/{id} | Delete a SDN private network |
NetworkApi | getListServerNetworks | GET server/{server_id}/networking | List all Networks |
NetworkApi | createNetworkInterface | POST server/{server}/networking/interface | Create a new network interface |
NetworkApi | modifyNetworkInterface | PUT /network/{id} | Modify network interface |
NetworkApi | deleteNetworkInterface | DELETE /network/{id} | Delete network interface |
NetworkApi | getListRouters | GET /router | List of all available routers |
NetworkApi | getRouterDetails | GET /router/{uuid} | Get router details |
NetworkApi | createRouter | POST /router | Create a new router |
NetworkApi | modifyRouter | PUT /router/{id} | Modify an existing router |
NetworkApi | deleteRouter | DELETE /router/{id} | Delete an existing router |
ObjectStorageApi | getListObjectStorage | GET /object-storage | List all Object Storage |
ObjectStorageApi | getObjectStorageDetails | GET /object-storage/{uuid} | Get Object Storage details |
ObjectStorageApi | createObjectStorage | POST /object-storage | Create a new Object Storage |
ObjectStorageApi | modifyObjectStorage | PATCH /object-storage/{id} | Modify Object Storage |
ObjectStorageApi | deleteObjectStorage | DELETE /object-storage/{id} | Release Object Storage |
HostsApi | getListHosts | GET /host | List of available hosts |
HostsApi | getHostDetails | GET /host/{id} | Get detailed information about a specific host |
HostsApi | modifyHost | PATCH /host/{id} | Modify specific host |
PlanApi | listPlans | GET /plan | List available plans |
PricesApi | listPrices | GET /price | List prices |
ServerApi | assignTag | POST /server/{serverId}/tag/{tagList} | Assign tag to a server |
ServerApi | attachStorage | POST /server/{serverId}/storage/attach | Attach storage |
ServerApi | createFirewallRule | POST /server/{serverId}/firewall_rule | Create firewall rule |
ServerApi | createServer | POST /server | Create server |
ServerApi | deleteFirewallRule | DELETE /server/{serverId}/firewall_rule/{firewallRuleNumber} | Remove firewall rule |
ServerApi | deleteServer | DELETE /server/{serverId} | Delete server |
ServerApi | detachStorage | POST /server/{serverId}/storage/detach | Detach storage |
ServerApi | ejectCdrom | POST /server/{serverId}/cdrom/eject | Eject CD-ROM |
ServerApi | getFirewallRule | GET /server/{serverId}/firewall_rule/{firewallRuleNumber} | Get firewall rule details |
ServerApi | listServerConfigurations | GET /server_size | List server configurations |
ServerApi | listServers | GET /server | List of servers |
ServerApi | loadCdrom | POST /server/{serverId}/storage/cdrom/load | Load CD-ROM |
ServerApi | modifyServer | PUT /server/{serverId} | Modify server |
ServerApi | restartServer | POST /server/{serverId}/restart | Restart server |
ServerApi | serverDetails | GET /server/{serverId} | Get server details |
ServerApi | serverServerIdFirewallRuleGet | GET /server/{serverId}/firewall_rule | List firewall rules |
ServerApi | startServer | POST /server/{serverId}/start | Start server |
ServerApi | stopServer | POST /server/{serverId}/stop | Stop server |
ServerApi | untag | POST /server/{serverId}/untag/{tagName} | Remove tag from server |
StorageApi | attachStorage | POST /server/{serverId}/storage/attach | Attach storage |
StorageApi | backupStorage | POST /storage/{storageId}/backup | Create backup |
StorageApi | cancelOperation | POST /storage/{storageId}/cancel | Cancel storage operation |
StorageApi | cloneStorage | POST /storage/{storageId}/clone | Clone storage |
StorageApi | createStorage | POST /storage | Create storage |
StorageApi | deleteStorage | DELETE /storage/{storageId} | Delete storage |
StorageApi | detachStorage | POST /server/{serverId}/storage/detach | Detach storage |
StorageApi | ejectCdrom | POST /server/{serverId}/cdrom/eject | Eject CD-ROM |
StorageApi | favoriteStorage | POST /storage/{storageId}/favorite | Add storage to favorites |
StorageApi | getStorageDetails | GET /storage/{storageId} | Get storage details |
StorageApi | listStorageTypes | GET /storage/{type}/ | List of storages by type |
StorageApi | listStorages | GET /storage | List of storages |
StorageApi | loadCdrom | POST /server/{serverId}/storage/cdrom/load | Load CD-ROM |
StorageApi | modifyStorage | PUT /storage/{storageId} | Modify storage |
StorageApi | restoreStorage | POST /storage/{storageId}/restore | Restore backup |
StorageApi | templatizeStorage | POST /storage/{storageId}/templatize | Templatize storage |
StorageApi | unfavoriteStorage | DELETE /storage/{storageId}/favorite | Remove storage from favorites |
TagApi | assignTag | POST /server/{serverId}/tag/{tagList} | Assign tag to a server |
TagApi | createTag | POST /tag | Create a new tag |
TagApi | deleteTag | DELETE /tag/{tagName} | Delete tag |
TagApi | listTags | GET /tag | List existing tags |
TagApi | modifyTag | PUT /tag/{tagName} | Modify existing tag |
TagApi | untag | POST /server/{serverId}/untag/{tagName} | Remove tag from server |
TimezoneApi | listTimezones | GET /timezone | List timezones |
ZoneApi | listZones | GET /zone | List available zones |
- Account
- AccountResourceLimits
- AccountResponse
- AddIpRequest
- AssignIpResponse
- AttachNetwork
- AttachStorageDeviceRequest
- AvailablePlanListResponse
- AvailablePlanListResponsePlans
- BackupRule
- CloneStorageRequest
- ConfigurationListResponse
- ConfigurationListResponseServerSizes
- CreateBackupStorageRequest
- CreateNewTagResponse
- CreateServerRequest
- CreateServerResponse
- CreateStorageRequest
- CreateStorageResponse
- Error
- ErrorCode
- ErrorError
- ErrorStatus
- FirewallRule
- FirewallRuleCreateResponse
- FirewallRuleListResponse
- FirewallRuleListResponseFirewallRules
- FirewallRuleRequest
- Host
- IpAddress
- IpAddressListResponse
- IpAddresses
- IpNetwork
- ModifyIpRequest
- ModifyServerRequest
- ModifyStorageRequest
- ModifyTagRequest
- Network
- NetworkInterface
- ObjectStorage
- Plan
- Price
- PriceListResponse
- PriceListResponsePrices
- PriceZone
- RestartServer
- Router
- Server
- ServerListResponse
- ServerListResponseServers
- ServerLoginUser
- ServerSize
- ServerState
- ServerStorageDevices
- ServerTags
- Stat
- StopServer
- StopServerRequest
- Storage
- StorageAccessType
- StorageBackups
- StorageDevice
- StorageDeviceDetachRequest
- StorageDeviceLoadRequest
- Servers
- StorageState
- StorageTier
- StorageType
- SuccessStoragesResponse
- SuccessStoragesResponseStorages
- Tag
- TagCreateRequest
- TagListResponse
- TagListResponseTags
- TagServers
- TemplitizeStorageRequest
- TimezoneListResponse
- TimezoneListResponseTimezones
- Zone
- ZoneListResponse
- ZoneListResponseZones
It's recommended to store the username and password in a separate configuration file while developing API applications to avoid accidentally publishing your account credentials.
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Username: Your UpCloud API username
- Password: Your UpCloud API user's password
Found a bug, have a problem using the client, or anything else about the library you would want to mention? Open a new issue here to get in contact.
This project is distributed under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt for more information.