S3 is a user-friendly, cross-platform SQL Shell which features colourful text and emojis. Along with its visually engaging interface, S3 is packed with helpful features, including convinient shortcuts, making it easy to manage your databases and execute SQL Queries. Primarily Intended for Educational Purposes
Also have a Look at the longer Demo Video
Mac Users can try the Source Install Method and Let me know, if it works. I just can't support it, because I don't have one.
It is assumed that you have already installed SQL Server in your pc (Obvious Stuff, right?)
In case you haven't then install it from
- https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/installer/ [For Windows, Mysql]
- https://opensource.com/article/20/10/mariadb-mysql-linux [For Linux, MySql or MariaDB]
Or Follow any [working] Tutorial that you find online.
Though S3 will work from any terminal emulator, Gnome Terminal is Recommended as I have Tested it there and it works. Kde Konsole seems to not render the Emojis Properly.
- Go to Releases Page and Download the S3-1.0.0-Linux-Any-x86_64.zip file. [or the latest version]
- Extract it.
- Give the install.sh file permissions to execute by -
chmod +x install.sh
- Run install.sh file by -
Now you should be able to run S3 in your terminal from anywhere. Just type -
and press enter !
Alternatively, you can use S3 file as a portable binary without installing it, just give it permissions to execute (chmod +x S3) and run it by ./S3
The launch of portable binary file can be slow, [probably] because it has to uncompress before startup.
Although S3 will work with CMD.exe in Windows, Windows terminal will ensure that the rendering of the text is fine and not messed up. Further, Emojis are absent in CMD.exe.
- Install Windows Terminal by following - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/terminal/install
- Set CMD as the default profile.
Windows Terminal is a Mandatory Requirement for this method.
You can Install S3 using a Setup File, just like how you will install any other program (and ofcourse use it like any typical windows program.)
- Go to Releases Page and Download the S3-1.0.0-Windows-Setup-x86_64.zip file. [or the latest version]
- Extract it.
- Double Click and Run S3_Setup.exe
- Follow the Instructions and you're Done !
This allows you to double click and run the file without actually installing it.
- Go to Releases Page and Download the S3-1.0.0Windows-Portable-x86_64.zip file.[or the latest version]
- Extract it.
- Double CLick and Run Run_S3.bat if you are using windows terminal or start S3 by running S3.exe diretly (will run through CMD.exe).
Don't Do This, Until you know what you are doing !
- Navigate to your desired directory and create a Virtual Environment.
python3 -m venv venv
- Activate it
- Linux
source venv/bin/activate
- Windows
- Install the required libraries.
pip install pyinstaller rich Faker pyfiglet PyMySQL PyMySQL[rsa]
- Clone this repo and go it's directory
git clone https://github.com/Uthayamurthy/S3
cd S3
- Create the binary file
pyinstaller --collect-all pyfiglet --icon=S3/icon.ico -F main.py
Now, in the dist directory, you will find the executable (named main or main.exe)
Just type in your required SQL Command and press enter. Multiline SQL Statements are supported, just press enter and don't end the statement with semicolon ';' until you want to end it.
Don't Forget Semicolon at the end of every statement.
For SQL Specific Documentation refer to :
- MySQL Docs - https://dev.mysql.com/doc/
- MariaDB Docs - https://mariadb.org/documentation/
Shortcuts is a special feature of S3 that helps to dramatically reduce the length of the SQL statements that you type.They always start with ! .
Using Semicolons ';' to end shortcuts is not mandatory.
- Set the Database that you wanna use (Obvious Stuff !!)
- Set The Table for Shortcut Commands. (Not Mandatory, but Recommended) It saves typing the table name everytime !
!t <table_name>
- Use the Shortcuts ! Example Usage -
Is Equivalent to running
SELECT * FROM <table_name>;
Just see How much you need not type !
If you are not convinced, look at this -
!ai 15 num(4) name dob(7, 18) addr phone
Is equivalent to running
Insert INTO <Table_Name> <random_4_digit_number> <random_name> <random_dob> <random_addr> <random_phone_no>
15 Times !!
So 15 lines into just one !
For more help about Shortcuts, refer to the Shorcut Manual.
To access internal help menu, just type
and press enter.
To exit the app, just type
and press enter.
To know about the app, just type
and press enter
Shortcuts is a special feature of S3 that helps to dramatically reduce the length of the SQL statements that you type. Shortcuts is currently only available for a handful of SQL Commandd.
Using Semicolons ';' to end shortcuts is not mandatory. Also, Shortcuts are NOT CASE SENSITIVE (even the arguments !).
Arguments that have multiple things seperated by commas SHOULD NOT have spaces between them. It will either not work or produce Unintended [Absurd !] results.
!t <Table_Name>
That's It !
Usage -
!sh <arg1>
- arg1 [optional] - Table or Database, Default - t
Values -
d: database
t: tables
!s <arg1> <arg2>
- arg1 [optional] - Set the fields you want to retrieve, * is default, field names are comma-seperated with no spaces between them.
- arg2 [optional] - Set Table name, use this if you haven't set the table using !t or you want to just overide it.
!d <arg1>
- arg1 [optional] - Set Table name, use this if you haven't set the table using !t or you want to just overide it.
!i <arg1> <arg2> <arg3>
- arg1 [Mandatory] - Set the values to insert into the table. Values are comma-seperated with no spaces between them.
- arg2 [Optional] - Set the field names into which the command needs to be inserted. Field names are comma-seperated with no spaces between them.
- arg3 [Optional] - Set Table name, use this if you haven't set the table using !t or you want to just overide it.
Definetely, one of the coolest feature of S3, very useful if you want to insert a bunch of random values super-quickly into your database ! It uses the Faker Library and Python's Random Library to generate data according to your requirements !
Prior !t usage is mandatory. Usage-
!ai <arg1> **args
Run !d before you use autoinsert to avoid errors in using this feature.
- arg1 [Mandatory] - Set the number of entries you want to insert.
- **args - Set the Data Type that you want to insert into this field.
Example usage of Auto-Insert -
!ai 5 num(2) name(nb) num(20000, 30000) phone addr bool yn gender null
For the arguments of the datatypes, use parenthesis '()' and arguments are comma-seperated with no spaces between them.
Datatype - String (Char, Varchar, whatever you wanna call it !)
Generates Random Person Names based on locale.
- Full Name
- arg1 [optional] - Set the gender for name. Default-Random
Values -
m: male
f: female
nb: non-binary
- First Name
- arg1 [optional] - Same as Full Name
- Last Name
- arg1 [optional] - Same as Full Name
If you use name and lname, fname then they won't match !
Datatype - Integer
Number Datatype is slightly special, in the sense, different number of argument will yield different results.
- With 0 Arguments Will Generate A Random Integer between 0 and 1000.
- With 1 Argument Argument is taken as the number of digits.
A 3 digit number is generated.
- With 2 Arguments Arguments are taken as the range from which the digits should be generated.
This will generate a number between 100 and 500
Again, No Spaces between the comma seperated arguments or else it will produce insanely absurd results !!
So, Don't Do This !
num(100, 500)
You can also use 'int' instead of 'num' in all the above commands.
Datatype - Date
Generates a date in default SQL Format.
- arg1 [optional] - Set the Starting Year. Default-1970
- arg2 [optional] - Set the Ending Year. Deafult-Present-Year
Datatype - Date
Generates a date of birth in default SQL date Format.
- arg1 [optional] - Set the Minimum Age. Default-0
- arg2 [optional] - Set the Maximum Age. Deafult-115
Datatype - String
Generates a random color name.
colour can also be used instead of color
Datatype - String
Generates a phone number based on locale.
Datatype - String
Generates a random address based on locale.
Datatype - String
Generates a random city name according to locale.
Datatype - String
Generates a random country name.
Datatype - String
Generates a random pincode [or postcode] according to the locale.
Datatype - Bool
Generates Either True or False.
Datatype - String
Generates Yes or No
Datatype - String
Generates Male or Female
Datatype - Null
Sets the field to null.
Even 'none' can be used instead of 'null'
Datatype - String
Generates a random aadhaar number
Datatype - String
Generates a random company name.
Datatype - String
Generates a random language name.
Incase you do this -
!ai 10 num(2) name num(1) abc addr
Here abc is not a datatype. So abc will be considered as the default value for all the 4th field of 10 rows.
Only String Values are supported for Default Value. Incase you enter a number, it will be converted into a string. So don't use this with a field of number datatype.
Default Locale is en_IN [India]
!l <locale>
Example -
!l en_US
For Supported Locale types refer to Faker Documentations(https://faker.readthedocs.io/en/master/locales.html) .