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PyCraft based Replay Client

SARC doesn't work in 1.13+ version so I made this crap

A Minecraft client that can record a replay file (*.mcpr) which can be recognized by Replay Mod

Great thanks to SARC for the replay logic stuffs and pyCraft for the minecraft client stuffs


Python version should be python3 and at least it works on Python 3.6 and Python 3.8

Python modules

  • cryptography
  • requests
  • future
  • PyYAML
  • pynbt

The requirements are also stored in requirements.txt

Minecraft server

PCRC currently supports connecting to vanilla Minecraft server. Supports versions:

  • 1.12
  • 1.12.2
  • 1.14.4
  • 1.15.2
  • 1.16.1
  • 1.16.2
  • 1.16.3
  • 1.16.4
  • 1.17.1
  • 1.18
  • 1.18.1


  • Can be hosted server side for 24/7 recording
  • It can be set to record only when the player is nearby
  • Multiple options can be set for custom recording
  • Restart after raw file size reaches 2048MB or recording time reaches 5 hours to prevent oversize recording
  • Since the virtual player (bot) doesn't move, the recording file will not include unnecessary packets related to chunk loading, which can significantly reduce recording file size


  1. Download and unzip the latest PCRC in Release page
  2. Fill in the config.json file on demand
  3. Run or PCRC.exe
  4. Input start in the console to start PCRC
  5. (Recommand) Set the gamemode of the PCRC bot to spectator
  6. Use console or chat in game to control PCRC


The config file is config.json. All settings can be changed in it. Those which are similar to ABC inside it are just comments, don't need to modify them


language: The language that the PCRC bot will speak in the game. Language file should be in folder lang/

debug_mode: Whether outputs debug info or not

Account and Server

online_mode: Use online mode to login or offline mode instead

username: Username for offline mode or email for the used Minecraft account

password: Password for the used Minecraft account if login in in online mode

address: IP Address of the Minecraft server

port: Port of the Minecraft server

server_name: The server name showed in replay viewer

initial_version: The preferred Minecraft version that used to connect to bungeecord like server

PCRC Control

file_size_limit_mb: The limit of size of the .tmcpr file. Every time it is reached, PCRC will restart. Default: 2048

file_buffer_size_mb: The limit of size of file buffer. Every time it is reached, PCRC will flush all content in the buffer into .tmcpr file. Default: 8

time_recorded_limit_hour: The limit of actual recording time. Every time it is reached, PCRC will restart. Default: 12

delay_before_afk_second: The time delay between every player leaving and PCRC pausing recording. Default: 15

record_packets_when_afk: If set to false, PCRC will ignore almost every incoming packets when PCRC pauses recording (SARC's behavior). This can decrease the replay file size a lot but might cause block / entity desync if there will be something happening after player leaves

auto_relogin: If this option is enabled and the client gets disconnected, it will automatically try to reconnect

chat_spam_protect: Automatically delay between sending chat messages if necessary to prevent being kicked for spamming

command_prefix: Any chat message starts with command_prefix will be recognize as a command to control PCRC. Default: !!PCRC

PCRC Features

minimal_packets: PCRC will only record the minimum needed packets for a proper recording when this option is turned on. This should be used to decrease the filesize of recordings while recording long term projects (timelapse)

daytime: Sets the daytime once to the defined time in the recording and ignores all further changes from the server. If set to -1 the normal day/night cycle is recorded

weather: Turns weather in the recording on or off

with_player_only: If set to true, PCRC only record packets if there are players nearby

remove_items: If set to true, all dropped items wont be recorded

remove_bats: If set to true, bats won't be recorded

remove_phantoms: If set to true, phantoms won't be recorded

PCRC Whitelist

enabled: Whether to enable whitelist

whitelist: Whitelist player list


Command prefix !!PCRC can be customized in the config file

Console Command

start: start PCRC and start recording

stop: stop PCRC and stop recording

restart: restart PCRC

exit: exit the program

say <text>: send text <text> to the server as a chat message

set <option> <value> set option to value of PCRC and in the config file

whitelist <on|off> Switch the whitelist switch

whitelist <add|del> [<player>] Add or delete a player to(from) the whitelist

whitelist <status> To view the status of the whitelist and the whitelisted player(s)

!!PCRC <command> [<arguments>] the same function as using in-game command

In Game Command

Using normal in game chatting to trigger

!!PCRC: show help

!!PCRC status: show status

!!PCRC here: emit a "!!here" command

!!PCRC pos: show position, might not be 100% accurate

!!PCRC spec: use the teleport ability in spectator mode to teleport to the player who sent this command

!!PCRC stop: stop PCRC

!!PCRC restart: restart PCRC

!!PCRC set: print all settable option

!!PCRC set <option> <value>: set the value of <option> to <value> which won't write to config file

!!PCRC name <filename>: set recording file name to <filename>


  • There's not any code for processing game content in PCRC so if you want to move the PCRC bot you can only use teleport command like !!PCRC spec or /tp. You can not use stuffs like piston to move the bot otherwise some wired behaviors like the bot become invisible may occur
  • The file size that PCRC shows when recording is the size of .tmcpr file, the uncompressed raw packet file size. It's not the size of the final recording file .mcpr. The final file size is about 10% to 40% of the original packet file size, depending on the situation


PyCraft based Replay Client







No packages published


  • Python 99.7%
  • Batchfile 0.3%