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Remindo API

This package provides a Python interface for the API endpoint offered by Remindo, a product of Paragin. This API wrapper allows you to extract and read the majority of the exam-related data from Remindo.

This package was developed by Utrecht University and is meant to be used with a read-only access. Therefore, the API features to modify exam-related data are not currently available.

Table of Contents

About the Project

Date: Started January 2019

Research Software Engineer:

Built with


The package contains the following dependencies:

  • requests. To communicate with the API endpoint.
  • Cryptodome. To encrypt and decrypt data.
  • json. To read data.

The dependecies can be installed preferably using poetry but also using pip. This can be done as explained in Installing.



On terminal, after navigating to the repository:

    poetry install

If you want to make changes to the code, please install the repository in "developer mode":

    poetry install --dev


On terminal, after navigating to the repository, install the requirements:

    pip install remindo-api

If you want to make changes to the code, please install the requirements first:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install remindo-api

Getting Started

The first thing is to request an API key from Utrecht University's (UU) ITS services. One person you could contact, if you believe you will be granted access authorization is Patrick Van der Veer, system architect of UU's ITS.

Once you have the API keys, you need to substitute your keys in the config.cfg file, before creating any client instance to query the Remindo database.


Read more about this package here.


This package provides a Python interface for many Remindo API methods. Here are a few examples demonstrating how to access data on Remindo.

Creating a Client instance

    from remindo_api import client
    rc = client.RemindoClient(

Check Connection

Let's use the helloworld() function to test if the credentials to connect to the Remindo endpoint are correct:

    hw = rc.helloworld()
    >>> hello world

Once we determined that the credentials are correct, we can continue using the client to retrieve Remindo data.

Retrieving Clusters

    clusters = rc.list_cluster()

Once you have retrieved a list of cluster, you can access data for the queried clusters.

Let's access the first cluster of the list of clusters retrieved.

    >>> clusters[0].rid
    >>> '1111'
    >>> 'cluster_name'

More details on the calls available for clusters are available here.

Retrieving Studies

You can retrieve information about studies as well.

    studies = rc.list_studies()
    study = studies[0]

You can access information about a study as before:

    >>> 'rid'
    >>> 'name'
    >>> 'code'

More details on the calls available for studies are available here.

Retrieving Recipes

Recipes can also be retrieved with a simple call. In the example below we save a list of recipes to be used in later examples.

    list_recipes = []
    [list_recipes.append(recipe.rid) for recipe in rc.list_recipes(cln, full = True)]

The call uses the parameter full = True (by default is False) to indicate that we want to retrieve all the information available on Remindo concerning the Recipes.

More details on the calls available for recipes are available here.

Retrieving Moments

Using the list of recipes saved from the previous call, we can now retrieve information about moments contained in each recipe.

Let's access the rid of the first recipe

    recipe_rid = list_recipes[0].rid
    moments = rc.list_moments(recipe_ids = recipe_rid)

Once we have retrieved all the moments information for one recipe, we can access these information as usual. We also save the moment id, to be used in a later call.

    # To be used later in examples
    moment_rid = moments[0].rid
    >>> 'moment_rid'
    >>> 'moment_code'
    >>> 'moment_date_end'

More details on the calls available for moments are available here.

Retrieving Results

Using the previously saved recipes information, we can use the general call list_results to retrive results' information about recipes.

    for recipe in list_recipes[1:2]:
        result_recipe = rc.list_results(cln, recipe_ids= recipe)
        print([[r.i_correct,r.i_answered]  for r in result_recipe])

More details on the calls available for recipes' results are available here.

Using the previously saved moment id, we now retrieve results' informations on individual moments using the list_moment_results call.

    moment_results = rc.list_moments_results(id = moment_rid)
    >>> 'moment_subscription_id'
    >>> 'moment_user_id'
    >>> 'moment_user_code'

More details on the calls available for moments' results are available here.

Retrieving Items

    for recipe in list_recipes[1:2]:
        print([item.duration for item in rc.list_itemresults(
            recipe_id = recipe,
            add_item_info = True)]
        print(cln.list_itemresults(recipe_id = recipe, add_item_info = True))

More details on the calls available for items' results are available here.

Retrieving Items' Statistics and Reliabilities

    for recipe in list_recipes:
        print(cln.list_reliability(recipe_id = recipe))

More details on the calls available for items' statistics and reliabilities are available here.


Contributions are what make the open source community an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

To contribute:

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Leonardo Vida - @leonardojvida - [email protected]

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