Welcome to TruamaZon! The store where we sell products you never knew you needed (and some that might not even exist)!
TruamaZon is a parody e-commerce website designed for fun and entertainment. We offer hilarious, bizarre, and sometimes completely imaginary products that will leave you questioning reality.
- A Shop full of weird and wonderful items
- Deals so good, they might not even be real
- A Cart for all your whimsical shopping needs
- 50% off imaginary products every week!
To run the project locally, clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/truamazon.git
cd truamazon
Then, install dependencies and start the project:
npm install
npm start
Have a funny product idea? Feel free to open a pull request or create an issue!
This project is just for fun. No real transactions take place. 🚀
Created by [vaishnavi nakhate]