Artifact - ESEC/FSE'22
4 commits
to esecfse22
since this release
Release for the artifact of our paper Classifying Edits to Variability in Source Code at ESEC/FSE'22. An overview is given in the Installation instructions are given in the
This release features the following executables:
: Build of the DiffDetective library. You may include it as a third-party library to your application or may run the validation manually (also see -cp "diffdetective-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar" org.variantsync.diffdetective.validation.Validation java -cp "diffdetective-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar" org.variantsync.diffdetective.tablegen.MiningResultAccumulator results/validation/current results/validation/current
: Executable for Windows 10 of our haskell extended formalization. You may run it via.\proofs_win10_64bit.exe
in a windows terminal or PowerShell.proofs_wsl2_ubuntu_20.04LTS
: Executable for Ubuntu of our haskell extended formalization. Built within WSL2 under Windows 10. You may run it via./proofs_wsl2_ubuntu_20.04LTS
in linux terminal.