This is a sand engine wrtten using straight C with OpenGL support libs GLFW and GLEW. You can test out the engine downloading the zip archive or build the project by your own, I've added recently a makefile if you are on Linux based system, make sure that you have GLFW and GLEW installed. Now the work is going on reworking fire.
This engine is just another Cellular Automata. I've been inspired to code my own SandBox by John Jackson's cool introduction to sand games and one of my favourite rougelike games called Noita, by the way here is the link to the GDC talk about how the sand works there. Also here is a very helpfull article about this amazing topic.
To draw a certain element on a screen use mouse and LMB. You can chose an element using following keys:
- '1' - Sand
- '2' - Water
- '3' - Smoke
- '4' - Wood
- '5' - Fire
- '6' - Acid
- '7' - Salt
- '8' - Dust
- '9' - Dirt