React.js Tag Component
By Vikram
// Default model
var tags1 = new ReTag.TagCollection();
// Default model with options
var tags1 = new ReTag.TagCollection({
// Return null to ignore add, else return the value that needs to be added
// You can do lookups, case conversion etc
onAdd : function(item, list){
var x = item.toLowerCase();
for(var i =0; i < list.length; i++) {
if(list[i].tag.toLowerCase() === x) {
return null;
return x;
// Return true to delete, false to ignore delete
// Note - Key is passed in this scenario
onDelete : function(key, list){
for(var i =0; i < list.length; i++) {
if(list[i].key === key && i < 5) {
return false;
return true;
// Render Tag Component
// props: css = css class for each tag, collection = set to the model
React.render(<ReTag.Tags css={'tag'} deleteCss={'deleteTag'} collection={tags1} />;, document.getElementById('tagContainer1'));
// Render the tag input component, this is the one that accepts user input
// props: css : input[type=text] css class,
// collection : model,
// breaks: array of chars to use for splitting [optional, defaults to , and SPACE]
// handleBlur : create tag on blur event [optional, won't handle]
// handleEnter : create tag on enter press [optional, won't handle]
var input1 = React.render(
<ReTag.TagInput css={'tagInput1'}
breaks={[' ', ',', ';', '.']}
handleEnter={true} />,
document.getElementById('tagInput1') );
// Example to set focus to input from outside
document.getElementById('make_focus').onclick = function(){
// When all said and done, you can use getTags() to get array of tags held by the model
// You provide your own css (refer demo.css). To add default styles to your html page, you can