A Docker image for running the runscope agent.
docker run --rm quay.io/virtuslab/runscope-agent --help
Usage of radar:
--agent-id string
Agent uuid
--api-host string
Api host base url
--cafile string
CA certificate file
-f, --configfile string
Config file
Enable debugging web server
--disconnect-timeout string
Disconnect timeout (default "5")
Ignore HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables
-l, --logfile string
Logfile to write to
--name string
Agent name
--pidfile string
Pid file
--team-id string
team uuid
-w, --threads int
Number of worker threads (default 10)
--timeout int
Connection idle timeout (default 20)
-t, --token string
Runscope Auth Token
-v, --verbose
Log more information
--verify-ssl string
Verify SSL? (true/false) (default "true")
Get version number
--web-host string
Web host base url (default "https://www.runscope.com")
Feel free to file issues or pull requests.