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InfiniBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Large Multimodal Models in Very Long Video Understanding


InfiniBench teaser figure Understanding long videos, ranging from tens of minutes to several hours, presents unique challenges in video comprehension. Despite the increasing importance of long-form video content, existing benchmarks primarily focus on shorter clips. To address this gap, we introduce InfiniBench a comprehensive benchmark for very long video understanding which presents 1)The longest video duration, averaging 52.59 minutes per video. 2) The largest number of question-answer pairs, 108.2K; 3) Diversity in questions that examine nine different skills and include both multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions; 4) Human-centric, as the video sources come from movies and daily TV shows, with specific human-level question designs such as Movie Spoiler Questions that require critical thinking and comprehensive understanding. Using InfiniBench, we comprehensively evaluate existing Large Multi-Modality Models (LMMs) on each skill, including the commercial models such as GPT-4o and Gemini 1.5 Flash and the open-source models. The evaluation shows significant challenges in our benchmark. Our findings reveal that even leading AI models like GPT-4o and Gemini 1.5 Flash face challenges in achieving high performance in long video understanding, with average accuracies of just 49.16% and 42.72%, and average scores of 3.22 and 2.71 out of 5, respectively. We hope this benchmark will stimulate the LMMs community towards long video and human-level understanding.

Leaderboard for top commercial and open souce models:


High level aggregated skills:


Leaderboard for the high level aggregated skills:


Benchmark statistics:



How to download videos

1- TVQA videos
Download the original TVQA videos for short videos from here
Run the following commmand to convert the videos to long-form videos.

python videos_preprocessing/ --train_path "path to the training annotation" --val_path "path to the validation annotation" --root_dir "path to the short clips directory" --full_videos_dir "path to save the full video episodes"

this script will output the full video episodes in the full_videos_dir and json annotations for only the validation data called "tvqa_val_edited.json" that will be used as a local questions later.

To get the video .mp4 files Run the following script or Download

python videos_preprocessing/ --video_frames_dir "path to the long videos frames" --output_dir "path to save the MP4 videos" --source "tvqa" --fps 3 

You can download the TVQA subtitles from hereDownload
2- MovieNet Data
Dowlnoad the original MovieNet data from here
Filter out the movies that doesn't have shot subtitles
Run the following script to filter movienet


To get the video .mp4 files Run the following script to the raw data or download our version from huggingface Download_full_length or Download_1fps

# to generare movies with the original frame rate use original_fps = True
python videos_preprocessing/ --video_frames_dir "path to the long videos frames" --output_dir "path to save the MP4 videos" --source "movienet" --original_fps --movies_has_subtitles "movies_has_subtitles.json" --movies_durations "movies_durations.json" 
# to generate movies with 1 fps use original_fps = False and fps = 1 but take care that the video duration will be different from the original duration 
python videos_preprocessing/ --video_frames_dir "path to the long videos frames" --output_dir "path to save the MP4 videos" --source "movienet" --fps 1 --movies_has_subtitles "movies_has_subtitles.json" --movies_durations "movies_durations.json" 

Annotation files

You can find the annotation files for the 9 skills in huggingface datasets format here

How to re-create the Benchmark


Prepare the data sources

Data scrapping

  1. We scrapped the all the TVQA summaries from IMDB.
  2. We scrapped the all the MovieNet summaries from IMDB.
  3. We scrapped the transcripts for all the TVQA videos.
  4. We filtered out scripts for the movies that doesn't have shot subtitles from the MovieNet data.
  5. We filtered out scripts for the edpisodes that doesn't exist in Long TVQA.
  6. We scrapped the the spoiler questions for all the movies in movieNet.
  7. We scrapped the movies durations from IMDB.

You can see the code for scrapping the data from IMDB here but don't need to re-run it as we provide the filtered data in the benchmark sources.

Bechmark sources :

  1. TVQA and MovieNet filtered summaries and scripts. Download
  2. TVQA+ annotations Download

Annotation pipeline

Global appearance

  1. Download TVQA+ annotations to this directory global_apprerance/tvqa.
  2. Filter the characters appearance in separate folders by running the following script.
cd global_apprerance/tvqa
  1. Choose the best and unique outfits for each character.(humanly).
  2. Run the following script to get the descriptions for the unique outfits.
python --data_path "path to the unique images folder" --output_path "path to the output folder" --api_key "GPT-4o API key"
  1. Run the following script for question generation.
python questions_generation/tvqa/ --gpt4_descriptions "path to the json file with the descriptions" --existed_episodes "existed_videos_tvqa.json"

Scene transition

python GPT-4/tvqa/python --api_key "GPT-4 API key" --scripts_folder "path to the episodes scripts folder" --output_dir "path to the output directory" --output_json "path to the output json file" --num_tasks 64
# for question generation run the following script
python questions_generation/tvqa/ --gpt4_output "path to the output json file" --existed_episodes "existed_videos_tvqa.json"

Squence of character actions


python GPT-4/tvqa/ --api_key "GPT-4 API key" --scripts_folder "path to the episodes scripts folder" --summaries_folder "path to the summaries folder" --output_dir "path to the output directory" --output_json "path to the output json file" --num_tasks 64

# for question generation run the following script
python questions_generation/tvqa/ --gpt4_output "path to the output json file" 

For MovieNet

python GPT-4/movienet/ --api_key "GPT-4 API key" --scripts_folder "path to the movies scripts folder" --summaries_folder "path to the movies summaries folder" --output_dir "path to the output directory" --output_json "path to the output json file" --num_tasks 64
# for question generation run the following script
python questions_generation/movienet/ --gpt4_output "path to the output json file" 

Deep context understanding


python GPT-4/tvqa/ --api_key "GPT-4 API key" --scripts_folder "path to the episodes scripts folder" --summaries_folder "path to the summaries folder" --output_dir "path to the output directory" --output_json "path to the output json file" --num_tasks 64

# for question generation run the following script
python questions_generation/tvqa/ --gpt4_output "path to the output json file" 

For MovieNet

python GPT-4/movienet/ --api_key "GPT-4 API key" --scripts_folder "path to the movies scripts folder" --summaries_folder "path to the movies summaries folder" --output_dir "path to the output directory" --output_json "path to the output json file" --num_tasks 64
# for question generation run the following script
python questions_generation/movienet/ --gpt4_output "path to the output json file" 

Linking multiple events


python GPT-4/tvqa/ --api_key "GPT-4 API key"  --summaries_folder "path to the summaries folder" --output_dir "path to the output directory" --output_json "path to the output json file" --num_tasks 64

# for question generation run the following script
python questions_generation/tvqa/ --gpt4_output "path to the output json file" 

For MovieNet

python GPT-4/movienet/ --api_key "GPT-4 API key"  --summaries_folder "path to the movies summaries folder" --output_dir "path to the output directory" --output_json "path to the output json file" --num_tasks 64
# for question generation run the following script
python questions_generation/movienet/ --gpt4_output "path to the output json file" 

Temporal events


python GPT-4/tvqa/ --api_key "GPT-4 API key" --scripts_folder "path to the episodes scripts folder" --output_dir "path to the output directory" --output_json "path to the output json file" --num_tasks 64

# for question generation run the following script
python questions_generation/tvqa/ --gpt4_output "path to the output json file" 

For MovieNet

python GPT-4/movienet/ --api_key "GPT-4 API key" --scripts_folder "path to the movies scripts folder" --output_dir "path to the output directory" --output_json "path to the output json file" --num_tasks 64
# for question generation run the following script
python questions_generation/movienet/ --gpt4_output "path to the output json file" 

Movies spoiler questions

python questions_generation/ --scrapped_spoiler_questions "path to the scrapped spoiler questions"


python questions_generation/ --summarization_movienet_json "path to json file of movienet summaries" --summarization_tvqa_json "path to json file of tvqa summaries" --api_key "GPT-4 API key"

Local visual and context understanding

We converted the questions of the validation split from the original TVQA to Long form questions here process_tvqa_videos/tvqa_val_edited.json

python questions_generation/ --tvqa_val_edited "process_tvqa_videos/tvqa_val_edited.json"


To use our evaluation scrip for accuracy and GPT4 score you should prepare each skill prediction file in the following format.

# for multiple choice questions
    {"Q":"question",  "A","answer", "pred":"model_pred","options_str":"option 0 : option sentence \n option 1 option sentence \n ...","answer_idx":"correct option index"}  ,
    {"Q":"question",  "A","answer", "pred":"model_pred","options_str":"option 0 : option sentence \n option 1 option sentence \n ...","answer_idx":"correct option index"}  ,
    {"Q":"question",  "A","answer", "pred":"model_pred","options_str":"option 0 : option sentence \n option 1 option sentence \n ...","answer_idx":"correct option index"}  ,

# for open ended questions 
    {"Q":"question",  "A","answer", "pred":"model_pred"}  ,
    {"Q":"question",  "A","answer", "pred":"model_pred"}  ,
    {"Q":"question",  "A","answer", "pred":"model_pred"}  ,

Then run the following script for accuracy evaluation for the skills that has multiple choice questions

# set the parameters in the script
bash evaluation/GPT4_eval/ 

For the skills that has open-ended questions run the following script to get the GPT4 score

# set the parameters in the script
bash evaluation/GPT4_eval/ 


If you're using InfiniBench in your research or applications, please cite using this BibTeX:

      title={InfiniBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Large Multimodal Models in Very Long Video Understanding}, 
      author={Kirolos Ataallah and Chenhui Gou and Eslam Abdelrahman and Khushbu Pahwa and Jian Ding and Mohamed Elhoseiny},




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