This is a Turing School of Software and Design Module 3 Backend Project.
This project is designed as a way for Turing students to gain experience in working with pre-existing codebases and understanding the desicions and generated tech-debt of developers in a realworld setting where sometimes making something work is more important than making it looks good.
Brown Field of Dreams was completed by:
See our workflow here
Each of the cards were labled with a general user feature and direction. We made the adjustment to the board to include a 'Deployed' tab to make organization of what was in production and what was waiting deployment easier to manage.
Learning Goals and Labels
What we hoped to learn:
- Building on top of an existing codebase
- Making API calls to Authenticated sources
- Formatting API data into usable information
- Handling OAuth securely
- Generating and sending Email data with Rails
- Gain a better understanding and empathy for the reason why technical debt accrues
- Prioritization by working only on relevant code
- Working with enviromental variables to santize and protect sensitive data
This is a Ruby on Rails application used to organize YouTube content used for online learning. Each tutorial is a playlist of video segments. Within the application an admin is able to create tags for each tutorial in the database. A visitor or registered user can then filter tutorials based on these tags.
A visitor is able to see all of the content on the application but in order to bookmark a segment they will need to register. Once registered a user can bookmark any of the segments in a tutorial page.
In order to run this application locally or live you will need a series of API keys, those keys include:
- YouTube API with YouTube Data APIv3 active. You can the Console here
- A GitHub OAuth application You can create one here
- To Run the test suite you will need two personal access tokens created here
- To Run live you will need a sendgrid username and password Create one here locally you can run tests with MailCatcher
Clone down the repo
$ git clone
Install the gem packages
$ bundle install
Install node packages for stimulus
$ brew install node
$ brew install yarn
$ yarn add stimulus
Note If Yarn give you an error you can attempt to run
$ rm yarn.lock && yarn
then run $ yarn add stimulus
the issue should resolve
Set up the database
$ rake db:{create,migrate,seed}
Run Figaro
figaro install
Set API keys in app/config/application.yml
- Uses the Youtube API keyGITHUB_TOKEN_KEY
- Uses your personal Token (Only needed for testing)GITHUB_ID
- Uses the OAuth App Client IDGITHUB_SECRET
- Uses the OAuth App Client SecretGITHUB_FREIND_TOKEN
- A secondary personal token (Only needed for testing)SENDGRID_USERNAME
- Needed for live production to send activation and invitation emailsSENDGRID_PASSWORD
- Needed for live production to send activation and invitation emails
Once those keys are set you will be able to run the test suite with the included cassettes from VCR
If running locally/testing Run mailcatcher
to capture outgoing mail
run bundle exec rspec
- Stimulus
- will_paginate
- acts-as-taggable-on
- webpacker
- vcr
- selenium-webdriver
- chromedriver-helper
- omniauth-github
- rspec-rails
- rubocop
- mailcatcher
- hashids
- Ruby 2.4.1
- Rails 5.2.0