The E-commerce online store application for selling various electronic goods: phones, computers, TV, accessories, etc.
This is my test project, commissioned by the company in which I was interviewed. I designed the UI by the sketch in Figma.
- Combine (for network manager and functional bindings)
- MVC + MVVM architectures
- UICollectionView Compositional Layout & Diffable DataSource
- Completely programmatically designed UI with NSLayoutConstraints
Main VC consists of category section represented by carousel horizontal scroll view with the option of selecting, another horizontal section with pagination and vertical section with tappable like button.
Filtering view pops up with the blur background effect and allows to choose filter options.
Detail VC consists of Collection View with scaling up and down when scrolling images and bottom view with detail info.
Added bingings for Cart VC using Combine framework (MVVM)
Added custom page controller interacting with user's scrolling actions
- IPhone 11+
- iOS 15.0+
- XCode 13.0+